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Ashton felt sick. His stomach was doing flips and he was terrified about what would happen tomorrow. His mind was racing through options and he was starting to regret not saying yes to Jasper in the bathroom.

Sleep wasn't even in the equation. He stayed up all night. Again.

He truly went into autopilot that morning. He got showered, got dressed, got on the bus and went to school. He and Calum didn't really talk, Calum just made small talk about classes and teachers.

Ashton tried to bury himself in his class work and tried to control his wandering mind.

Lunch was a bit of a better distraction. Michael came over to talk to Calum and brought Luke with him. Luke sat down next to Ashton.

"How are you?" Luke asked, sincerely.

"Fine. You?" Fine. What a lie. Ashton was anything but that.

"Great," Luke smiled. His phone vibrated and he pulled it out. Ashton watched his eyes move back and forth on the screen and for a second he feared that he had already gotten the video. Luke opened his mouth to say something and Ashton's breathing hitched.

"Do you smoke?" Luke asked. Ashton gave him a confused look.

"Smoke what?"

"Marijuana," Luke laughed, pronouncing the J as an H.

"Oh, uh, I don't know. Never tried," Ashton said, flustered and feeling stupid. Luke rested his head on his hand and gave Ashton a cheesy smile.

"Do you wanna?"

Ashton thought about it. Pot made you happy, right? Ashton could use that. He wasn't feeling very happy.

"Sure," Ashton agreed. A huge smile formed on Luke's face.

"Great. You look like you could use some cheering up. Meet me by the red lockers after school," Luke told him.

"Can Calum come, too?" Ashton asked, glancing at his best friend. Luke laughed.

"Yeah. I'm sure Michael'll like that," Luke smirked. Ashton laughed and Luke glowed.

"C'mon, Luke," They both looked up at Michael who was standing at the end of the table.

"I'll see you later," Luke smiled at Ashton and left with Michael. I turned to Calum and told him about our new plans after school.

"We're not invited?" Ashton turned to look at Jenna and Hayley. He laughed and said, "Not today, girls."

"Whatever. Pot's gross," Jenna rolled her eyes.

The bell rang. Calum and Ashton got up and walked to class. Before Ashton stepped into his, Calum pulled him to the side by his hoodie sleeve.

"Are you sure you wanna hang out with them today?" Calum asked, legitimately concerned.

"Yeah," Ashton replied. He knew what Calum was picking at and he really wished he wouldn't.

"You're absolutely sure that's what you want to do?" Calum interrogated.

"I am absolutely sure. Drop it," Ashton glared at him. He swiftly turned around and walked into his class.

A/N- this chapter is boring wow. anyway, if you guys ever have any ideas or whatever you should comment them (even tho I already have like seven more chapters pre written). and also you guys should comment bc I wanna hear what you think and how ya feelin bout everything.

I'm Not a Slut; Lashton auWhere stories live. Discover now