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Saturday, Ashton hung out with Calum all day. He let Calum talk about Michael, and boy could that kid gush about his crush. Ashton liked how happy Calum seemed, but it worried him. From Ashton's point of view, Michael didn't seem like the most stable person for Calum to put all his joy into. Especially since Michael was still technically dating Rebecca.

But, Ashton didn't want to ruin Calum's mood or get in a fight with the boy, so he kept quiet.

Sunday, Ashton spent time with his family, as always. His mum reminding him repeatedly that he had school tomorrow.

And finally, school did come. Monday morning, Ashton woke up with a depressed groan. He would finally have to face his fears.

In his anxiety, everything Ashton tried to wear he felt ugly in. He could just imagine all the eyes on him, picking away at every detail on his body. He didn't want that. But, there was no going back now. His mom would likely drag him to school by his ear if she had to.

Finally, Ashton was dressed and out to the bus stop with a pop tart in hand. The bus pulled up and Ashton nervously stepped on. There weren't a lot of kids on it yet, save for Calum, but the ones who were had their eyes glued to Ashton.

In the back of the bus, Ashton sat down next to Calum.

"Morning," Calum smiled. Ashton shrugged.

"How do you feel?" Calum nudged.

"Scared, nervous," Ashton answered truthfully.

"Well, it'll be fine. Half the school's moved on already," Calum tried to reassure his best friend.

"I hope so," Ashton sat back in the bus seat and pulled out his phone. He had a text from Luke asking if he was showing up today. For once, Ashton replied yes. Luke told Ashton that he would find him when he got there.

When they finally made it to the school, Ashton realized just how real everything was. Calum tried to be a good friend, "It's okay, I bet barely anyone even remembers. You have nothing to worry about."

They all got off the bus, and walked into school. Ashton followed Calum to the usual spot where they waited for the bell to ring. Calum whispered to Ashton, "Even if they do stare, don't give them the satisfaction of knowing you're perturbed. You gotta act strong, like it doesn't matter and you couldn't care less."

Ashton heeded his friends advice and tried to stand up a little straighter. He pretended not to notice how every so often someone would stare at him and start whispering violently to their friend group.

Suddenly, a hand gripped Ashton's arm. Ashton immediately jumped, thinking it was someone trying to beat him up. Ashton turned only to see that it was Luke and Michael. Michael pretty much ignored Ashton and went to talk to Calum. Luke on the other hand was busy asking Ashton questions.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"Did anyone try to hurt you?"

"Not yet."

"Anyone say anything?"

"Not that I've heard."

"Well, tell me if someone does. I'll beat 'em up," Luke comically raised his fists and Ashton laughed.

Out of the corner of his eye, Ashton spotted a familiar face. Actually, five familiar faces. But the most prominent was the face of Jasper, talking to the rest of his goons. He wasn't even doing anything, but just by looking at him, Ashton was angry. That was the asshole who fucking humiliated him.

"Can we go somewhere else?" Ashton asked, still staring at Jasper's table. Luke was confused but followed Ashton's gaze and realized why the curly haired boy was uncomfortable.

"Yeah, of course," Luke looked back at his friend who was relentlessly making Calum blush, "C'mon, Michael."

Ashton grabbed Calum by the arm and pulled him down to a different section of the school, Michael and Luke following behind and talking. Both undoubtedly staring at Luke and Calum's booties.

They all found a nice secluded spot and talked until the bell rang. Luke and Michael walked their boo's to class and then left for their own.

A/N- a normal and slightly boring chapter whoops /: vote and comment please (:

thank you for reading!!!!!!


I'm Not a Slut; Lashton auWhere stories live. Discover now