Mowgli's here

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Murphy's law. Alpha Daniel called a meeting and I was invited along. I left the systems room with David aka Akela. He'd given himself the handle of the chief wolf from the Jungle book because he thought it was hilarious. We worked together a lot, so it made sense in a stupid way. We had created some epic programs together and ran a business on the side, income for the pack and our own use. David and I were a team. Mowgli and Akela. Human and wolf. I had been part of the pack for so long, we had started to take things for granted.

'David, Cloe.. we have received a call from three of the packs north of us. There have been systematic intrusions into their systems. They are asking to borrow Mowgli and Akela. It seems that every damned pack's system specialist knows about the two of you.'

'They have no idea who we are, dad.' David defended.

'Then how did they know to call me, for my systems people. And ask for you two by cyber-name!' Daniel growled at his son.

David looked cornered but I leaned forward and asked. 'Which packs and which systems people do they own?'

David looked relieved with my interruption. It was very unpleasant for the Lycans when the Alpha was upset. I felt it too but it didn't affect me the same way it did them.

Daniel looked at a report in front of him and read out the names of the three packs and several people in each. I looked at David for confirmation and he nodded, looking somewhat pale.

'I know one of those guys.'

'And you told him your handle?' I asked, surprised.

'Actually. I told him I knew Mowgli. That was years ago though! After you replaced those sites from the Hunters with Jungle book quotes and characters, making Mowgli swing across every page. It was epic! Every pack system's room was buzzing about that.' He quickly defended. 'You'd only just made up the handle for that job because you didn't want to tell me your other handle and I didn't think you'd use it much. He must think you're a wolf.'

Daniel was still fuming but he was looking at me now. 'Mowgli? You actually use your nickname as your internet handle? How irresponsible can you get, Cloe?!'

"ME!? Talk to Akela here! Your son told someone he knew the person who illegally wiped out a whole network. THAT'S IRRESPONSIBLE! We have handles to stay anonymous. We re-route everything we do, so that nobody can trace us or our location. We wipe out whole identities to keep the secret and this IDIOT, as David, told someone he knows Mowgli.'

Now everyone was looking like they wanted to roast David and I glared at him too.

'They requested a meeting and will be coming here to negotiate our assistance.' Daniel told us.

'I think it would be best if Cloe hides from their delegations while they are here and they just deal with David.'

'I can just go city with Louis, he's due for another trip out.' I almost begged.

Daniel looked like he was considering it but David had to ruin it for me. 'No. We will need your skills. I'm pretty good but nowhere near as good as you are. We won't be able to do it alone.'

'Have I told you that I hate you?' I sniped at him.

'It is decided. You will stay at home while they are here and I will make sure that they are out of the way when you need to come to the systems room.'

'So, he blabs and I get house arrest.' I turned to Arthur. 'Save me, Old Man, don't you love me anymore? Tell the Boss Man to let go to the big smoke!'

'No. You will stay home with your mother, where we can protect you. Their delegations might come here but other members of their pack will surely use the opportunity to see a different city and do some shopping. It's what we'd do.'

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