Jack. Attack ;)

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For a second I had thought he was frustrated to still be here with me. He quickly corrected me however. His voice had been sexy when I first heard him, but now, as he spoke in a husky whisper, I was glad I was sitting down. I could almost feel his voice brush over me. He sounded like he could already imagine us locked up and naked, when he told me. "I'd get frustrated because I want us, you and me, away from here. Somewhere nobody will find us. With enough food to stay locked up together, naked, for at least a month... or two!"

He had held me up in his arms like I didn't weigh a thing. He had stolen my breath when he kissed me; and I was so wet I almost cried when I remembered he had a mate out there somewhere. I hurt me to move away from him but I managed. Clutching my laptop to my chest to remind me who I was. I was Cloe, the human hacker that had stumbled into a Lycan pack. I was Mowgli, the human who ran with wolves.

He did nothing to hide the fact that he was still hard. He adjusted himself without shame and even winked at me, saying. "If I knew the right place and could make this moment the right time; I would have tasted every inch of you, kissed you until we couldn't breath and made love to you until you forgot everything but us."

Then he leaned back and rubbed his hands over his face and through the hair I'd pulled to get him to kiss me, several times. I moaned at the memory and he groaned in reply. "Don't make that sound again or I won't be able to promise further restraint!" He complained with a feral look in his eyes.

"You say that like it would be a bad thing." I teased breathlessly.

Suddenly I was on my back. Still clutching my laptop but under the hard body of Jack. He held himself off me, trapped between his arms. "It would be a very bad thing. I need some restraint not to rip off your clothes and make love to every inch of you, right here and now!"

He was between my legs and he ground his hips into me to prove his point. His eyes bright with his animal side. I bit my lip not to moan but a strangled sound escaped me. He kissed me hard. Much more dominating than before, while he ground his hips against me in slow rotations. I didn't know who made what sound. My laptop had disappeared and his hand was under my shirt while both mine were under his, sliding into his pants to grip his firm ass.

He slowly pushed up from me, I tried to follow to continue kissing him but he shook his head no and I reluctantly released him so he could get up.

"I need to go. I don't want to do something you will regret in the morning, my love."

Then he took off. I lay there for a long time, looking up at the clouds drifting in front of the moon while my mind drifted back to everything he had told me. It wasn't until Mark linked me to tell me that they would be home soon that I shot up, grabbed my discarded laptop and shot into the house. I stepped under the shower with my clothes on and used loads of body wash to make sure that nobody could smell Jack on me or my stuff. I even wiped down my laptop with antibacterial hand wash because I knew the smell burned their nose. Then I put a load of washing on, with my wet clothes, and ducked into bed.

Someone knocked on my door and I replied with a grumpy. "Go away. I need to sleep."

"We need to talk."


"You're a pain in the ass, Mowgli." Mark replied through the door.

"That's why eeeeverybody luuuves meee!" I sang in reply and he opened the door just enough to stick his head through and growl lowly. "Good night, human."

"Good night, animal." I answered loudly with a smile as he shut the door again.

"Good night, daughter." Cindy was yelling at me from downstairs. I knew it was me because Rebecca was working late tonight, so I replied with a big smile. "Good night, mum. Good night, dad and good night, annoying, younger siblings."

Their laughter rang around the house and I knew it was Cam that replied because he loved Harry Potter. "Good night, Bitchy Old Muggle."

"Ouch. What'd ya hit me for?" I heard him whine while everyone else laughed because someone hit him for me, probably Mark.

And for the second time I fell asleep thinking of Jack. This time it was distinctly less PG though. I now knew what his hands felt like in my hair, under my shirt... And his lips on mine, stealing all reason. His hips and that slow rotation as he pushed into me. Yeah, it was anything but PG.
Part of me hoped that he would never meet his mate. Part of me wished I could have been his mate and the biggest part of me wanted to know if he was from a pack where they didn't wait for their mates, like those packs Cindy had told me about. I wanted that man with every fibre of my body. I seriously needed to get laid, no way my hormones could be ignored with a man like him around. All wolves looked good but this man had the body, the voice and a way with words that left me begging to hear, and see, more of him. The idea of those slow rotations without clothes between us followed me into my dreams.

Needless to say, I woke up extremely horny. Deciding to at least try to hide it from their sensitive noses, I had a long shower and linked David while I was brushing my teeth. They had just begun connected one of the drives to the internet to trace the mole. So far it had been going well.

Part of me hoped they would get the job done but anther part of me hoped that they would need me to do it. If they needed me, it would mean that it was a challenge. I loved a good challenge any day. Alpha Daniel had explained that this attitude was why I had ended up in the Beta family. My attitude and need for either real or verbal fights to prove how good I was, physically and mentally was what had compared me to a high ranking wolf. They didn't back down. They were dominant. Dominant Lycans felt the need to prove themselves at any hint of challenge and so did I. The Alpha had the same urges but was capable of holding them in better than anyone. They controlled the pack and themselves with an iron fist. Except if it regarded their mate. The ultimate weakness of any Lycan.

I read, ignored my wish to hook up to the stand-alone connection to the world wide web that I knew David would be using so that our systems were protected. I ate, sulked and complained and then read some more. Arthur had taken the other wolves for a run in the morning and I had been kept at home, with the Luna and Cindy this time. The two of them had confiscated my laptop when I finally did reach for it.
They made me help the cook, made jokes at my expense and hit Cam when he came in for lunch and started making Muggle jokes at me. Cindy didn't see me as human, she really thought of me as one of her pups, as she so lovingly called them.

It was almost nine at night when there was a severe sense of distress in the link. David was freaking out. Not long after that my laptop started blaring a fog horn. Someone was attacking our system and was already trying to get through the second fire wall.

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