Chapter 22 : | Best Daughter |

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Aadhira was going to Yuvraj Ji's chamber  taking his evening tea . He called her for something . The door was already open so she called him  and saw him reading the newspaper.

" Come ladoo , I was waiting for you"  Yuvraj ji said seeing me .

" Here is your evening tea " She gave him the tea , which he gladly accepted with a pleasent smile on his face .

" So how are you doing , Baba sa " She asked him .

" What do you want to hear " Yuvraj ji asked keeping his spectacle on the table .

" The truth " She told him .

He let out a sad chuckle then replied

" You know we men never get the courage to open up in front of anyone except our life partner . Same for me also . My Divya is my everything . I'm saying is because she still is . You know I talk to her daily . I missed her so much . But the way she was suffering from her disease, I saw her in the worst situation ; I know she is in better place now. So you was asking ladoo how am I . I am good ,living with her memories . She took a promise from me to be happy after she's gone , how can I not fulfill it . " Yuvraj ji said , drop after drop tears rolled down from his eyes .
She had tears in her eyes seeing the man in front of her madly in love with her woman . This is the same man who masked a hard face infront of others , laughed with us . If he had this much sadness hidden , se was feeling how much others were hiding . This was making her want to cry more .

She wiped his tears and asked him " how are you feeling now. "

" A lot better ladoo , thank you . You know my boys are same as me . Mainly Veeransh . I couldn't read his emotions ,he very well knows how to hide his emotions. I feel like I fail as a father . " He said looking at the portrait of his and Divya ji . She knew it . But will she be able to make Veeransh comfortable and safe enough with her so that he can share all pain with her ? This question kept nagging her . But she kept it aside for now .

" You know Baba sa , you are the best father . The way you accept me as your daughter, I know you are the best and your sons' love and respect you so much . " She told him . He just nodded at her .

" Yeah see the tea is getting cold now " she tried changing the topics . And she succeeded because finally he smiled.

" Thank you ladoo and you are the best child " He told caressing her  head .

" More than your sons' " She playfully asked him .

He let out a laugh and replied    " yes " She also giggled at his statement.

" I heard from ma sa , that you want to wear your Ma sa's saree for reception" He asked .

" Yes , can I ? " She asked him .

" Obviously you can , you know your mother loves South Indian dress . So she kept the half sarees for her daughter-in-law. I was hesitating if you will wear it or not . But see you came here proving me wrong . That's why I say you are the best " He said patting her head . She  never wore any South Indian dress , she would love to wear them . Because those will be blessings from her mother-in-law. This was the reason she wanted to wear her mother-in-law's saree .

Then Yuvraj ji  went to the wardrobe and came with the half sarees .
" This many " She was  shocked because it was  more than ten half sarees .

" Yes , all for you " Yuvraj ji said, giving those to her  .

" Thank you Baba sa and Ma sa " She  said caressing the sarees . The motherly touch could be feel from the sarees .

After talking for sometime with Yuvraj ji  she went from there to prepare the dinner .

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐁𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐥𝐲 : 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞Where stories live. Discover now