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I cannot deny this chapter is weird and unserious asf

I don't think I was in the right mindset because I just watched the whole TikTok Rizz Party lore and I wrote this right after so it's very unserious heeeheee and I almost made them break up whoops but lost in the cloud chapter 102 saved my life (hope to see the communication next chapter though)

Comment for motivation!

Pain erupted first. Or perhaps it would have been better to say that Y/n felt as if he was emerging from a deep, murky oil. At first, there was only a foggy awareness, as if consciousness was tiptoeing back into his world, like distant whispers trying to break through the cloud of his mind—but now sounds echoed faintly, mingling with the steady thud of Y/n's own heartbeat.

Then came the gradual return of sensation. A dull ache pulsed at the base of his skull and his eyes opened to see dissipating shadows that revealed blurred outlines that slowly sharpened into focus. Light filtered through Y/n's eyes and he blinked, throat hoarse.

His thoughts were disjointed. Y/n groped for memory, trying to remember what happened.

Wasn't I just answering the door? Didn't Aruna just leave? What the hell is going on?

His limbs felt easy, as if encased in lead. The air was thick around him.

"So you're awake," came an unfamiliar female voice, scornful and satisfied. "You must be Y/n L/n. My brother's lover, am I wrong?"

Y/n squinted. He felt a tightness around his wrists and when he looked down, he saw rope pressing against his skin heavily, constricting his flesh. It hurt, actually—even the slightest bit of movements gave unneeded friction and made his skin burn.

A female who strangely resembles someone.

Then her words slowly kicked into his Y/n's brain.

"My brother's lover?"

Black hair, black eyes. Sharp fangs. Similar eyes, except there was no warmth or affection in them. Only pure coldness.



"Now that's the issue. Aliya wanted to cover the whole thing up, saying it would be damaging to the company and everything, but the thing is, no matter how much money they pay the family, it won't ever fix the scars the victim will have. Aliya hates the fact that Aruna is the heir to the company, and she complained to their father."



Y/n frowned.


Her eyes flickered with surprise.

"You know me?"

Y/n winced at the pain in his shoulders when he shrugged, but his face was in disbelief. "I think if your sister was a psychopath, you would tell your lover about her. Yes, obviously I know you. Aruna's crazy sister, right?"

"You won't want to make me pissed," Aliya warned, "I hold your life in my hands. Literally."

Somehow Y/n couldn't take her seriously. But her threat was still real, and Y/n gulped. Then he awkwardly opened his mouth.

"What?" Aliya frowned.

"I think I just realized I'm in a kidnapping," Y/n paused, after thinking about it for a little while. "I can't believe this just happened to me. Right after Nadia warned me too. I didn't know it was that intense."and now, my head hurts. Did you really have to knock me out that hard?"

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