Maybe this isn't so bad

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Disclaimer this is a non sexual story just some Stockholm syndrome

Everyone has things that they hid away and aren't willing to share with the public.

Tsuki never ever tells anyone about the person in his basement, well sometimes he's in the basement, the bedroom, the kitchen, or the living room. It's not like anyone would know or should know but his victim seems to like it there!

Tsuki gets home from work and close the door immediately "I'm home!" his excitement is not unnoticed "I bought you something while you were out" Tsuki carefully walks to the basement and carefully removes the blind fold on non other than Tetsuro Kuroo himself.

Kuroo squints to adjust to the light from the basement and Tsuki's face. "Mhmp" kuroo grumbles still being tied to a chair with a towel over his mouth like he has been for two an a half months now.

Tsuki sniffs the air and scowls "You smell" his expression was sour "When was the last time you had a bath" Tsuki looks at Kuroo earning the sight of kuroo struggling against the ropes "Well I guess there's nothing wrong with getting you a bath and maybe some food. You're getting thin"

Kuroo rolls his eyes which surprised Tsuki cause normally he was too scared to ever do that "But as a percussion just incase" Tsuki out a shock collar around Kuroo's neck "We both know you would kill me with your bare hand if you could" and he was right. Obviously

Tsuki unties kuroo and gets him upstairs and sits him in the tub and runs warm water on him. "Work was terrible today" Tsuki rants to Kuroo about his day he listens to him.

Kuroo was practically hypnotized by his beauty. I mean a tall slim blonde is in his face giving him a bath he wouldn't be mesmerized by his beauty.

"Have you ever been through that?" Tsuki asks kuroo but since he was a but distracted he raised an eyebrow Earning a sigh from Kei "You weren't listening where you?" Tsuki frowns and kuroo gives him an apologetic look "It's fine" Tsuki sighs a bit and helps kuroo and gets him dressed.

Tsuki brings Kuroo to the kitchen and sits him down in a chair "You know I saw your friend earlier I think his name was Bokuto" Kuroo froze at the sound of the name "He saw me as well but he seemed so depressed because his hair wasn't spikey like normal it was flat it was like he lost all his glow" Kuroo could only imagine the sad expression on his best friends face.

"He walked up to me and it was like he knew I did something but he talked to me asking me if I knew anything and to lower suspicion all I said was 'I've been past his house to see if his car has moved' and that's all I could say" Kuroo had a solemn look on his face "I mean I felt bad of course but like" He look kuroo in his eyes "I can't let you go now that I've got you back" God was that so hot to Kuroo

"But anyway" Tsuki pours some curry over some rice "I bet you're hungry" Tsuki unites the tie around Kuroo's mouth "I haven't give you solid foods in like, what six weeks" Kuroo wonders how he'll make him eat if his hands are tied "Open wide" Tsuki then hold a curry filled spoon to his mouth and Kuroo was skeptical at first but then he ate it and it was the best God damn food he has had in a while.

Kuroo closes his eyes in pure bliss "Is it really that good" Tsuki teases kuroo but still feeds then poor man.

"Now that we're finished" Tsuki puts the empty bowl in the sink "I would bring you back downstairs but it's supposed to get below freezing tonight and I'm not a complete monster so I'll let you sleep upstairs" Kuro would be practically jumping with joy if he wasn't tied to the chair

Come night fall Tsuki had Kuroo laid in his bed hand cuffed there of course "You know I missed being this close to you back when we were dating" Kuroo couldn't help but feel the same "It's like now that I have you back you can't leave ever because God know what you'll tell the public about if I do let you go" Honestly Kuroo has completely forgoten about wanting to leave now he just wants to be with his only love

"And like people are starting to think I did something I mean which I did but I don't want to go to prison" Tsuki shrugs "I never hurt you if we're being honest, I bathe you, feed you, clothed you, and you don't have to do anything but sit pretty" Kuroo starts to realized that being a hostage isn't so bad especially cause he's being pampered "What do you think" Tsuki takes the rope off kuroo's mouth to get his response

Kuroo snaps out his trance "Do you think I've been terrible to you" Tsuki sits up "In pure honesty" Kuroo's voice was hoarse from not speaking for two and a half months "No, you haven't been terrible to me apart from you kidnapping me. I've gotten used to you an your beautiful face"

"That's what I thought" Tsuki rolled over in bed to face him "And I mean you're now mine I can't let you leave and I also can't let you go" Tsuki frowns "If the police come and serch my house would you lie and say you've been shutting yourself from the public" Kuroo thinks for a second "Yes, of course I will" Tsuki smiles softly "I love to hear that"

Tsuki cuddles up to kuroo and sleep deeply and peacefully through the night

While sleeping Kuroo dreamed about running away from Tokyo and going to country side Japan or running away to Sweden, Germany, or even America it was a beautiful dream to say the least.

He dreamed to himself "Maybe this isn't so bad"


But here's a quick lil short story it's probably ass but it's something

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