Chapter 2: An Odd Collab

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You are currently at a coffee shop with Ramona eating cake with her while talking to Julie Powers about what the two of you have discovered.

Julie: "So, Scott Pilgrim is alive?"

"Yeah. We asked for footage of what happened that night at the Rockit and saw that he got pulled into some portal before Matthew landed that punch."

Julie: "I knew it was too good to be true. So where is he?"

Ramona: "No clue, but I think I have a few leads on who took him."

Julie: "Well, it's not like I can do anything to stop you two."

Ramona: "Hey, Y/N? You think that Envy Adams had anything to do with Scott disappearing?"

"I doubt it. She's a total narcissist and wants practically nothing to do with him."

Ramona: "How do you know?"

Julie: "Cause he was there when Envy pulled Scott's heart out of his chest and stomped all over it with her patent leather combat boots."

"And then she didn't look back and just went on to be a complete diva," you followed up with.

Your phone went off, and you saw that it's a call from Envy.

"Son of a... I need to take this."

Ramona: "No hurry. Take your time."

You went outside and answered the call.

"Hi, Envy. What is it?"

Envy: "Todd is busy somewhere and can't make it to the recording today. I need you to play bass in his place."

"Did he give a reason why he's not there today?"

Envy: "He said he and our drummer, Lynette Guycott, are busy talking to our manager about something."

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