Lost and Found

275 17 3

3rd POV
"Heyyyyyy! Sanji! I'm hungryyyyyyy!"

"Quiet Luffy! I'm trying to figure out where we are!"

"But Nami!"

"No buts Luffy! Be quiet or I'll hang you overboard until we reach an island".

"But I'm the captain" Luffy mumbled, while Sanji told him to wait and the rest of his crew laughed.

"Heyyyyyy Zoro, wake up!" Luffy shouted, waking the green-haired swordsman.

"What do you want Luffy?" Zoro asked, slightly irritated that he was woken up, though thanks to earlier he was barely asleep in the first place.

"I'm boooooored" Luffy whined. "Bother someone else then, let me sleep." Zoro grumbled. Only slightly annoyed with his rubber-brained captain.

"But everyone else is doing something".  Luffy whined even louder, flopping on the deck dramatically.

As Zoro looked around, he noticed that everyone was busy. Robin was deciphering a book they had found on different realms or something, Chopper was taking inventory of his medical supplies, pervy cook was making lunch, Frankie was fixing their hull after another run-in with marines, Brook was writing a piece of music, Nami was trying to figure out where in the seas they were, and Usopp was creating something again.

With a deep sigh Zoro asked Luffy "what do you want me to do about your boredom?"

Luffy's response was to simply hum before giving a wide smile and saying "no idea". Zoro was just about to strangle his captain in anger before hearing Nami exclaim " look! An Island!"

Immediately Luffy was up and at his favorite spot on the head of their ship. Before running to Nami and begging her to go to the island.

With irritation, Nami yelled "fine! We'll stop at the island! We need supplies anyway. Maybe the people can help us figure out our location." Her words had gone from a yell of irritation to a thoughtful mumble. Though Zoro noticed that she was slightly unnerved by her inability to find where they were on the map.

Zoro sighed before standing up from his napping spot against the rail and made a comment to lighten the mood "hopefully they have some good booze, my stash is almost out".

This comment got Sanji, who was walking out with everyone's lunch to snap at him. "What do you mean your stash?! That was our ship's booze!"

And with that, Zoro comfortably started arguing with Sanji, glad that the mood seemed to have lightened. With the way Sanji's lip twitched, he knew that Sanji knew why he made that comment and was more than happy to play along.

Expectedly, once their arguing has gotten too annoying, Nami came over and gave a good whack to both of them. Zoro slightly winced and rubbed the spot she hit while Sanji started to fawn over the strength Nami hit them with.

Now that the mood was lifted and Nami was no longer as worried, Zoro began to think about the new island and sat down to polish his swords. The last thing he needed was for them to be attacked unprepared.

In the background, he could hear Usopp worrying about what could be on the island and chopper getting worked up over the scenarios Usopp was telling. Nami was deciding on how best to buy supplies and Luffy was excitedly jumping around the ship. Frankly was still fixing up their ship from the banging sounds he heard every once in a while and it seemed like Brook had finished more of the song he was working on.

He could hear Robin giggling a bit from her crew's antics but otherwise she was quiet so he assumed she was still reading that book. Sanji had quit his fawning and from the sound of it, was about to serve lunch.

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