I'm home

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🚨Trigger warning🚨
There are mentions of sensory overload, past trauma, scars and malnutrition, and light descriptions of Danny's 'death'

Danny didn't know what to do with his body once he de-transformed. No longer used to his human form and the feelings that seem to swamp him, Danny awkwardly crossed his arms protectively over his chest as if to hold himself together.

He studied the crew-his crew with apprehension and a slight tremor working its way through his body. He noticed when Chopper gasped in shock and saw the flash of concern in the small reindeer's eyes.

He heard the sharp inhale from Zoro and Sanji and could smell the slight fear from Usopp, though he didn't let it bother him since he had learned quite quickly that Usopp was a coward with a heart of gold and could be brave when his friends were in danger.

Nami and Robin seemed to want to do something, he wasn't sure what but the gestures they made didn't seem threatening so he didn't particularly mind. Franky seemed fascinated by the transformation though there was concern behind his sunglasses and Brook seemed flabbergasted that he was now living though he didn't seem much bothered by it.

Then there was his captain. He didn't know what to make of his captain's posture. The once relaxed and smiling boy was nowhere in sight. In his place was a serious and powerful man who looked as if he was about to fight the world for some odd reason.

Sadly, it had been so long since Danny had seen his reflection that he didn't realize just how awful he looked. His ghost form had kept him alive — ironically — but that did not stop his human body from slowly wasting away and showing scars that were not visible in his ghost body due to his bodysuit.

He was emaciated due to lack of food and proper nutrition—fruits and the occasional fish did not count—and most of his bones jutted out from under his skin. His clothes were burned, torn, and so dirty you could barely tell the shirt was once white with red accents and a red circle.

But it was the scars that caused his captain's anger. There were gunshot wounds from past fights with the GIW, burn marks from the blasters his parents had used, a lightening scar from his 'death' and many more from his various fights over the years both before and after he came to this world.

He suddenly became more aware of his surroundings. He could hear their heartbeats, as loud as thunder and faster than they should be. His sense of smell seemed to be too sharp, he could smell the sweat on Zoro and the spices from the food. Everything was too clear and sharp in his vision and he could feel every grain of dirt on his body.

Distantly, Danny knew he was panicking and his body's natural response was to sharpen his instincts but that did not stop the process. If anything, everything became even more overwhelming.

As Danny was lost in his panic, the crew were in various states of shock, concern, and, in some cases, fury.

Luffy was not just angry. He was furious. Each scar on his nakama was a stab to his heart.

When he first saw the ghost boy, his instincts screamed that the boy was to be part of his crew. As he got to know the boy for the past few hours, the connection became stronger. And now, learning that he was still alive, Luffy had been absolutely ecstatic.

That was before he noticed the scars and the unsure look in his nakama's eyes. As he scanned Danny's body, he noticed each bone that jutted out and each piece of raised flesh. He noticed the types of wounds and could even see some poking through his shirt and he. Was. Furious.

He wished to inflict pain on the ones who did this. Make them pay for the pain he was seeing in his nakama's eyes.

But deep inside, he just wished to comfort him and reassure him that now that he was part of their crew, he will never have to be hungry again and that he will do everything he can to protect him. He looked at the rest of his crew with shadowed eyes and could see they felt the same.

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