A Growing Purpose (and look! People!)

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"Danny" he said in a soft, rusty voice.

The stranger could tell it had been a long time since the boy had used his voice. And by that deduction, he guessed it had been even longer since the boy spoke to someone else.

"My name is Danny Phantom".

When I heard the seemingly young boy's voice, I could tell it had been a long time since he had spoken. His voice had the raspy edge of misuse and was soft, as if he was unused to speaking to others.

He was young, which saddened me when I saw the similarities between us. It didn't take much to realize the boy was as dead as I was. So young. He doesn't even look like a pirate so he was most likely just a normal kid.

After a few moments of silence, I realized he was waiting for me to reply. Smiling widely, and with a booming voice, I introduced myself.

"Hi Danny, my name is Rogers, Gol D. Rogers."
3rd person POV

Rogers was strange in Danny's opinion. He was boisterous, always smiling, but sharp, and-if his aura was anything to go by-strong.

Rogers has been on the island for less than a week but has already made himself at home in one of the many houses Danny built to create his town. Of course he only moved in after Danny gave permission, which took around three days.

Mostly because Danny wished to observe Rogers before he allowed him into his only sanctuary, the place and reason he has maintained sanity. Maybe with company, he will be able to grasp more firmly onto the tenuous string that keeps his sanity intact.

When Rogers moved into the town, the first thing he did was explore every inch of his accommodations, it didn't matter that he was dead and therefore did not need rest, shelter, or food. The thought of having a place he could rest comforted him. As he explored, Danny watched through the windows, intangible and invisible.

He continued to observe Rogers for another two days before finally making a decision that could alter the lonely life he had been living. A choice that Danny had struggled with for many agonizing days. Since the moment Roger's stepped a ghostly foot on the island.

After careful surveillance, Danny finally approached Roger once more.

"Hey...." He softly called, gaining Roger's attention.

"Hey Danny!" Roger exclaimed, a wide, infectious grin taking over his face. "It's good to finally see you again! For a moment I thought you left!"

His grin was so infectious, and full of joy, that Danny could not help the small upward turn of his own lips. Danny then replied "I have not left this island since I appeared here," when Danny said this, his mouth lost its small smile and a sad expression took over his face. "I just wanted to see if I could trust you enough to be around you. I was also scared of what being around someone would do to my mind."

Rogers own eyes saddened at the young boys confession, remembering a child he had on his own crew before he died and the insecurity the child once had when he had first offered him a spot on his crew. He could guess the implications of the boys words quite easily.

The boy was afraid that after all that time alone, having him around would bring him hope. And he was afraid that his hope would be crushed by Roger either intentionally or unintentionally.

He was afraid Roger would leave him alone on this island. Having hope crushed in such a cruel way would definitely kill the boy's spirit and whatever is left of his will.

Roger vowed right then and there that he would never leave Danny until Danny was ready to start his own adventure. And if that day never comes, he will remain on this island with Danny until the end of their existences.

"I am glad you trusted me enough to tell me that Danny, and I hope you know that I have no plans of leaving this island unless it's with you". Roger spoke with a kind and determined tone.

Danny was amazed that a ghost, who had only met him twice counting this time, made such a heavy promise. The hope that had been kindled the day Roger showed up became an ember that day. Although Danny was still slightly weary, for the most part, he let himself hope.

"Now, want to hear a story on how I became king of pirates?" Roger asked in an amused and secretive tone.

"You're a pirate?!" Danny exclaimed, then his brain caught up to the rest of what Roger said and he yelled even louder, "YOU WERE KING OF THE PIRATES?!"

Danny finally learned that there was no way he was in his world. He wasn't even in his era. Oh god, where on earth did that portal send me?!

Danny was broken out of his thoughts when Rogers let out an absolutely booming laugh that reminded him of his father's, his core aches at that thought before he forced himself to refocus on Roger.

"I sure was!! It all started when I was around your age....."

Danny was fascinated by Roger's story and grew a deep admiration and respect for him. Though it saddened him that the man died in his prime.

They became good friends and Danny started opening up about himself. He told Roger about his family, though he still ached at thinking about them, something in him settled when he told Roger about them.

He told Roger about how his parents were scientists and studied ghosts, though he didn't tell him about the many times they hunted the ghost. He told him about his sister, Jazz and how she was the smartest person he knew alongside his best friend Tucker. He told about how his other friend, Sam, was a vegan and had to explain for a good twenty minutes what a vegan was to Roger.

He told stories of some of their shenanigans and they bonded over different hilarious situations they had been in with their friends, and in Roger's case, crew.

Time passed them by and more ghosts began to appear on the island. At first wary, they both soon warmed up to the new ghosts that would come ashore.

After 10 years, the island has become a home for an entire town of ghosts and Danny finally became the boy he once was. Teasing and laughing and telling jokes to his ghost friends. Telling stories of his adventures to the younger ghosts. And becoming the protector and savior of many lost souls.

He finally had a purpose again, and Roger couldn't be more happy for the boy. Proud that Danny did not let his past drown him.
One day, a ship was seen out at sea. Although not the first ship they had seen, this one was actually headed towards their island.

All of the ghosts were told of the ship by Danny and were asked to be invisible for the guest's stay until it was seen if they were friendly or hostile.

All ghosts took heed of Danny's request and the town became a ghost town (sorry I couldn't help but through this in!).

So, actual living people have finally decided to check out my island. Hopefully they're friendly, if not...well they're not gonna be here very long. After all, I am the protector of this island, and I refuse to let my people be hurt.

Hopefully everyone enjoyed the new chapter... I was really happy with how this one turned out, and look! Danny becomes friends with Roger!

Try to guess who the ship belongs to, pirates or marines?

Whose ship do you think it belongs to?

What will Danny do with these new visitors?

Until next time! Have a great day/night/evening!

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