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Three days, and Jisung was out of the hospital—but in a wheelchair.

He showed the discouragement on his face as Jaemin pushed him out of the hospital building happily, promising to buy him this and that. It wouldn't make him happy. Jisung's next love after his hyung was dance, and no doctor had promised him the ability to do that well anytime soon.

It wasn't that Jisung was paralysed now or anything, but the drugs had drained the energy from his body, and at some times he felt numb in his legs or arms, making him unstable as he walked or just stood up.

He would stay at home for a week before Jaemin-hyung would send him to the rehabilitation center. Jisung had become obedient and willing to go, making Jaemin relieved.

Jaemin went to the more important school day classes but came home as soon as possible, not wanting to leave Jisung alone for too long. But after the scary experience, Jisung wasn't wanting to get himself in any trouble either.

On the Saturday after the week of the accident, Jaemin and Jisung were chilling at their cozy apartment together, watching Penthouse. Jisung had become more than willing to spend time with his Jaemin-hyung.

They were snuggled up on the couch, watching the drama on Jaemin's school laptop, when the doorbell rang. Jaemin got up quickly and peeked out the eyehole to see who it was. He hesitated before turning back to Jisung.

"It's Mark and Haechan," Jaemin informed.

"Oh," was all Jisung could say, knowing his hyung didn't really like them too well.

"I'll let them in," Jaemin assured him.

"Okay," Jisung smiled.

The door was opened, and Jaemin let the guests come in. "Hi Jaemin," Haechan said with a worried smile. They both greeted Jaemin cordially but hastily, as they were no doubt worried about Jisung.

"Jisung home?" Mark asked.

"Yeah," Jaemin waved them over to the small living room before heading to the kitchen, not wanting to interfere in any conversations.

"Ay, lil Jisung, how's it going?" Mark asked softly as he came over to the boy fit comfortably in the blankets and pillows on the couch. Haechan followed him over.

"Mark-hyung. How was the competition?" Jisung asked eagerly.

"It was pretty good. We didn't get to the top but it was a fine experience. You know, it's hard to beat the b-boys."

"Oh right," Jisung responded in a way like he was imagining a scenario in his head and not completely with reality.

"Jaemin texted me about what happened. You good?"

"Yeah..." Jisung sank deeper into the sea of blankets and looked up at Mark, bashful. "Sorry I didn't text you. The letters get blurry when I type them so Jaemin didn't let me."

"It's okay. As long as you're doing fine," Mark assured.

Haechan sat down on the couch next to Jisung. "So like what happened-happened—"

"Hey," Mark warned Haechan with a nudge in the elbow.

"What, we're close to him," Haechan retorted. "It's not a big deal, is it Jisung?" he asked the boy himself.

Jisung shook his head "no", of course. "I overdosed," he put simply and regretfully.

"Damn," Mark whispered and shook his head. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I just have to go to some drug help center in Daegu and get rid of it." He sighed.

"Wait really?" Haechan said, wide-eyed. "Wait, you're not going to jail, are you-"

"Yeah I'm going to the center but not jail. The doctor isn't telling anyone."

Mark turned to Haechan and raised his eyebrows. "Dude, this is your cue to stop, too."

Haechan didn't make a comment but instead messed with Mark's hair and told him how handsome he was. Jisung narrowed his eyes and mentally asked himself again why Markhyuck wasn't official yet.

"Babies, are you hungry?" Jaemin called tiredly from behind the counter and brought some plates of snacks and fruits over.

"Wow Jaemin, did you just call me a baby?" Haechan said coyly and did a cute pose.

Jaemin winced. "Whatever, it's just a habit," he sighed and plopped down on the floor in front of the couch while placing the plates onto the small living room table.

"So you're taking Jisungie to Daegu?" Mark asked for confirmation.

"Yes. In a couple days," Jaemin replied.

In a couple of days, Jaemin would be alone again.


"Nono, are you okay?"

Kiara looked at her boyfriend with concern as he was sitting in front of her, behind his laptop. The couple was hanging out and studying together at Starbucks after school had gotten out.

"What do you mean?" Jeno answered.

"I don't know, baby. You just seem overall kinda bothered this whole week I guess?"

"No, I'm fine," Jeno sighed maybe a little more heavily than he should have. Kiara frowned.

"Obviously not."

"I don't get what you're saying. There's nothing wrong," Jeno looked up from his project.

"Come on. We've known each other for so long. I can see it, easily. Can you just tell me what's going on?" Kiara pressed.

"Fine," Jeno said rather reluctantly. "Just one of the guys having a hard time."

"Who? His problems bother you so much? Who is it?" Kiara had a suspicion.

"You don't want to know," Jeno mumbled and started typing.

"I do. I won't get mad, promise," she said but she already knew who it was.

"Jaemin." Jeno gave in and muttered under his breath in an almost upset kind of way. "Don't hound me about it," he added in a short whisper too.

"I wasn't going to," Kiara frowned. "It's just that you're so defensive about him for no reason. Like, when did you guys even meet? I don't even know what happened. But now you act like he's your—"

"Can we not talk like this here?" Jeno interrupted, rubbing his eyes in mental pain.

"We can't keep avoiding it," Kiara protested. "Jaemin's getting in our relationship and it hurts me. I talked about it with you last time but you still hang out with him more than ever. I don't even know what you guys do or talk about. How am I supposed to feel safe?! You're handsome and you know he's gay. He has a crush on you and you're feeding him!"

"No he doesn't," Jeno snapped back. "We're just good friends, I told you that. Nothing weird involved. You're the one who doesn't believe that and that's making things complicated. I've gotten close with Jaemin over the past semesters because he needs it. And I'm only getting close to him on a friend level. You seriously saying you think I'm gay right now?"

"You need to prove to me that you aren't," Kiara grumbled and pouted. Jeno was incredulous.

The argument didn't get anywhere, and the two ended up cutting their time together short. Kiara was getting complicated again and Jeno couldn't put up with her whining any longer. She's only his girlfriend, not his life-planner!

Ironically, Jeno went straight to Jaemin's apartment after the date to see how the younger boy was doing.

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