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Jaemin's full (?) backstory; ⚠️WARNING: abu$e⚠️


"Jaemin wouldn't do that."

The ten-year-old Jaemin in question was sitting in a big chair in front of the principal's desk at school, father sitting on the right and mother on the left. The young boy had his head drooped down, staring at his hands shamefully, having been called out of class during the middle of the school day.

His mother Kim Aecha was desperately trying to defend her child as he was being accused by fellow classmates and now the principal himself was questioning. His father Na Hye was sitting silently with a furrowed brow, arms folded across his chest. But what the adults wanted the most was for the child himself to speak, and admit or deny.

Principal Choi leaned forward and tried to make eye contact with the supposed guilty who wouldn't look up at him. "Then you yourself tell me, Jaemin, did you do it?"

The boy's lips moved for a second, but he closed his mouth again and didn't budge.

"Did you? Answer him," Aecha demanded in a worried tone to her son.

Jaemin-ie stared even harder at his hands and observed his fingernails closely, unable to take his eyes off of them.

"Answer your principal!" His father spoke for the first time, in a loud, harsh tone, as what he usually gave way to, having an ill temper. Which forced his boy to reply immediately, although in the smallest tone possible—


The short answer had different effects on the three adults in the room. Principal Choi leaned back into his desk chair, as if the "case was closed." Kim Aecha half-gasped half-sighed and her face became even paler and worried. Na Hye looked infuriated and would have pounded his fists on the nearest surface if that surface wasn't the principal's desk.

Because, by saying a simple "yes," Na "Nana" Jaemin was admitting to forcefully kissing Park Daejung, a boy, at recess.

And against Daejung's will as well. Ten-year-old Jaemin had somehow gotten a little over-zealous for no known reason and had planted his lips on his classmate's cheek.

Daejung had been furious about it, immediately reporting it to the teacher. He said that Jaemin was bullying him. And Jaemin wasn't a boy to speak out his side of the story, so had obediently gone to the front office and waited for his parents to arrive.

The boys at the school truly didn't associate with Jaemin all too much because the pretty boy seemed to be terribly shy around them and instead hung out quietly with the girls. They thought he was different and kept their distance. How Jaemin ended up next to Daejung during recess hour and had the will to get so close was a mystery.

"1), Why did you do it? 2), Would you want one of your friends to do that to you? 3), You should know that boys your age like Daejung don't like this kind of thing," his mother stressed.

Jaemin's mind formed answers rapidly, but none of the movement in his brain showed outwardly. 1), I don't know why I did it. I guess I just wanted to see what it was like. (The truth was that Jaemin had a crush on his classmate Daejung, but at this time he didn't even think it was possible for a guy to like another guy, so he was equally confused at his own behavior.) 2), I wouldn't mind my classmate kissing me. I wish someone would. 3) I didn't know Daejung wouldn't like it. Afterall, I am a boy his age and I would like it.

Thus, the confusion and trouble put poor Nana into a fix. He didn't mean to. "I'll apologise to him," he said in a timid voice, hoping to appease the adults.

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