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Senior party night. 

The last day of NoMin. 

Jeno picked Jaemin up at his apartment to go to the party starting around seven. Nothing seemed different about the air, and the blue-haired boy acted like they weren't breaking up after tonight. 

He didn't believe it.

He believed he could sway Jaemin's mind, and that they could stay together. He'd talk over with his parents, lose face, argue with Kiara some more, and if Jeno would have to bail out on college because his parents refuse to help him pay, then he would do so. He loved Jaemin too much. 

This wasn't the last night for Jeno.

As for Jaemin, thoughts were different. He'd appeared at his front door with a sweet smile on his face but an aching heart in his soul. He'd have fun with his lover tonight, then break off all contacts, walk out the building, and never look back. 

He couldn't look back. 

So as the couple drove toward the location, they had two very different ideas in their minds. They didn't bother- or dare- to speak their thought to each other. 

"So when are you heading to university?" Jaemin asked as he leaned over and gave his boyfriend a light kiss on his cheek. 

Jeno saw that as a good sign. "Next Wednesday. I'm doing a work-study program during the break before school starts so I have to get their a lot earlier. And I'm assuming you're...?" 

"Yeah, I'm not going to university," Jaemin said. "I'll probably just stay around here and keep working at the restaurant."

"I'll come back and visit you every break," Jeno promised. "We can be a long-distance rela-" 

"Whoa, did you see that?" Jaemin pointed out the window suddenly. 

"No?" Jeno gave a quick glance before focusing on the road again. "What was it?" 

"Two birds were scuffling next to the light pole," Jaemin said happily. Jeno could hear the smile on his face when he was talking. 

"Ah. I missed it." 

A silence filled the car as Jaemin kept looking  earnestly out the window. He'd successfully deterred the conversation. 

They arrived at the reception center, where students were already in their noisy clusters. Everyone looked stunning from their outfits to the colorful drinks in their hands. Jaemin reminded himself not to get wasted tonight. 

"You wanna drink?" Jeno asked as they entered the colorful room. 

"Not really. I'll just have uh, lemonade or something," Jaemin shook his head. "You?" 

"Maybe a bit," Jeno shrugged. "I haven't for a while." 

The two got some food and found a table to sit at and eat. It wasn't long before Mark and Haechan showed up and sat themselves down as well. 

"Mark Lee? Coming to a school event?" Jeno acted surprised. 

"Of course! Because I asked him as my date!" Haechan said loud and proud, ruffling Mark's hair that he'd worked an hour on. The Canadian boy groaned. 

After a while, Jeno got up to refill his and Jaemin's drink. While doing so, he accidentally spotted his ex-girlfriend who happened to make eye contact with him at the exact same time. Jeno quickly looked away, but not before he saw her give him a soft smile. 


Jeno furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he refilled the drinks and came back toward the table. Jaemin noticed his face and asked, "What's wrong, Jeno?" 

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