Epilogue 2

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4 years later

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4 years later

I closed the room door and walked down the stairs, when I was walking I head another pair of footsteps behind me

I paused, he also stopped, I smiled and walked again, he continued following me, I paused again, he also paused

I didn't turn back to see, I just kept walking to the kitchen with slow steps so he can match it and don't run

I went inside the kitchen and took the big watermelon and a knife

"Papa" he called out "hmm" he didn't say anything "papa" he called out louder this time "hmm"

"Papa" he pulled my pants "are agha bhi bol" I said turning and looking at Shivay, my 3 years old son who scratched his cheeks and forwarded his arms up at me

I picked him and made him seat on the slab beside me

"Why didn't you sleep?" I asked and he huffed "I am hungry" he said and I looked at him

"You had dinner 2 hours ago shiv" I said and he pouted "you want to eat this?" I asked pointing at watermelon and he nodded

"If you say the fruit name and it's spelling I will give you" I said and he glared at the watermelon "watermelon, w-a-t-e-r-m-l-o-n" he said and I shook my head

"M-e-l-o-n" I corrected and he nodded "correct" he said and I chuckled

"What is your favourite fruit papa" he asked taking a piece from the plate and eating

"I like papaya" I said "papa, why did banana go to the doctor?" He asked and I looked at me

"Because it's skin came out?" He shook his head "because it was not peeling well" I stilled and narrowed my eyes, he giggled

"I saw this on mumma's phone" he said laughing, I chuckled, like maa like beta

"What this father and son duo doing here" I looked at the entrance to see Maa "dadi, we are cutting watermelon" Shiv said waving a watermelon piece at her

Not 'we' shiv, only me! You are eating every piece I am chopping, why are not even one percent like me

"What are you doing here dadi?" Shiv asked and Maa simled "came to take water beta" she said taking a filled water bottle

"Good night dadi" He wished and maa kissed his cheeks "good night beta" I am no longer her favourite child, all her love is been transferred to my son

"Hold this bowl and don't eat" I have Shiv a bowl of watermelon and held it tightly, I picked him up and walked upstairs

"Why not lift?" He asked, I can't get him habitual of lift, he would become lazy then

"If you climb stairs you become strong" I said and Carried him to tired floor "oh! If I walk on stairs daily, will I become strong?" He asked and I nodded

His obsession, her divine love  [#1 Ishq Kiya Series]Where stories live. Discover now