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Malvika's POV
I woke up , from my sleep , and my legs are better now thank fully !
I took my phone and saw its switched off !!!
Ohh it doesn't have charge.
Then I put it on charge and as soon it opened , I saw 5missed call from Shubman this morning !!! and 9missed call from Ishika !!!!
At first I called Ishika , and had to listen to her lecture !!!

Ishika: WHERE THE HECK !! IS YOUR PHONE...!!!!!!
Malvika: Ishu , baby calm down !! You know right , I get jet legged everytime I travel..!! I'm sorry na !!
Ishika: Still.....!! It doesn't justify why your phone was switched off ....!!
Malvika : as soon as , I reached the hotel , I drifted to sleep and my phone was dead !! That's why !!
Ishika: Acha let it be , any ways I'm coming to Kolkata.
Malvika: Reallyy..!!!! Wow ..!!! But suddenly?
Ishika: it's just that , our senior Dr.Anup wants me too join you. And make a draft of it . I'm landing today !
Malvika: ohh wow , thank god!! I won't be alone here !!
Ishika: okay , so I'll cut the call , now I have to leave for the airport! Okay byee
Malvika: byeeee...

.......................OTP ends...................

I was happy , that she is coming ,now atleast I won't have to go to that seminar alone ,
After that i called shubman and he picked it up after one ring itself .

It's been a whole day.!!!!
She didn't text, nor call..!!
Nothing ..!!!
Here , I was waiting for it ,
I even called her 5 times !! since the morning .
But her phone is switched off ..!!
I wonder what's wrong with her .
Is she okay?
Did something happened to her ?
Did Reyansh did??
No no no .....this can't-
My chains of thought were broken, by my phone.
As soon as I saw the name , I quickly picked it up .

Shubman: Malvika ? Where are you ? I have been calling you since yesterday night !!! I was so tensed do you know that!!!!
Malvika: Shub , calm down , and I'm sorry !
Yesterday was a hectic day for me , and i slept and my phone's battery was down , I'm so sorry Shub!!
Shubman: it's fine , and I'm sorry , I shouldn't have reacted this way-
Malvika: it's fine , I got scolding from Ishika also .
Shubman: obviously , she is your bestfriend, ofc she is tensed !!
Malvika: Acha okay now stop no !
I already said sorry , and I promise I won't repeated it again !!
Shubman: where are you now ?
Malvika : me ? In my house ? Where else ?
Shubman : but why do I have a feeling, you are somehow near me ?
Malvika: I'm shubman , not physically but mentally, and will always be !!
I smiled, listening her words .
Shubman: acha , I think you just woke up , so freshen up , i know you have morning shift today . Byee and take care , call me later okay ???
Malvika: okay , byeeee ....

................OTP ends ...................

Author's POV
Here Malvika was so happy that she was jumping here and there , because why not!! Shubman remembered her all small details !!!
After that she went and freshen up , and came back to her room and did all the things that were necessary for the seminar.
After that she talked to her father , and his brother , who unfortunately can't come to Kolkata , with his College friends .
As he was suffering from fever .
So, Malvika and Ishika decided they both will go and watch the match !!!

On the other hand , Shubman was busy practicing.
He would talk to his mother for some motivation.
And days passed like minutes and it was the day of the match !!
Malvika was also done with her seminar and Ishika was also there ! Now the besties were getting ready .

Malvika's outfit:-

Malvika's outfit:-

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Ishika's outfit:-


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Malvika's POV
I was staring myself in the mirror, thinking do I look good ?
Then I turned , towards Ishika who was applying her mascara.
Malvika: ishika? How do i look?
Ishika: swarg ki apsara!!
Malvika: mazak mat karna seriously bol !!
Ishika: 10 bar!!!! 10 bar puch chuki hai tu mujhse yeh same baat !!
Malvika: it's just that I'm excited...!!!
Ishika: I know you since our College time , okay??
Malvika: and?
Ishika: I can't believe, that the girl , who used to make faces when someone used to talk about cricket, is now excited ???
Malvika: So what ?? People change with time!!
Ishika: but you changed , for someone !! *teasing*
Malvika: okay stop it now!! *blushing*
Ishika: ohhh , someone is blushing.
Malvika: heyy!!! Enough !!! Now let's leave .
Ishika: As you say , Dr.Malvika Dutta *sarcastically*
And we left,......

.hey there!
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Byeee <<<<33333

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