~Chapter 3~

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Ophelia's POV

"Hunter! Politely could you hurry the actual fuck up? I have to shit!" I hear my brother scream at his friend, who is trying to take a fast shower, from downstairs. Apparently, Orion can't hold it in and have some patience.

"Orion, if you yell at him one more time, I will shove your head up into your ass and you can deal with your shit that way," sometimes I felt bad for Hunter. Orion can be a lot sometimes. Most of the time.

"Thank you, Lia!" Hunter calls as I hear him turn off the shower. I hope he takes his sweet time, just too spite Ry.

"Well, if Beverley could hurry her ass up, I could use that bathroom, but no. Our siblings that aren't actually our fucking siblings decide to take every bathroom in the house that is fucking theirs," I can hear him scoff and prance around trying not to shit his pants on the brand new carpet that just got installed up there. I also hear him angrily muttering under his breath.

So far, me and Bev have been hanging out with Orion and Hunter more than we did last year. Hunter has even started calling me Lia, which only a select few are allowed to do. Orion's been trying to get him to do it for a while, just to see what would happen. Hunter, of course, was too scared of overstepping. But since school has started back up again, the few days it's been back in progress, he's become more open and comfortable around us. It's nice to have this little group to hang out with.

It's been 3 days since school started. And since I ran into Thea. I've told everyone about the butterflies, I guess you could call it, that I got when I first met her and how they continually show up when she's around. These past few days, I've learned that her personality is amazing and I think we are starting to become good friends. I've already accepted the fact that she's probably not gay. There's always a chance but I don't want to get my hopes up just to have them smashed by something I could've seen coming. It's happened before and doesn't need to happen again, even though it probably will.

Beverley asked me if I would want to go further than the friend zone with Thea but I don't want to risk a potential friendship just because I may or may not have feeling. I don't even know if I would anyway, I've been against being in something serious for a long time and I don't know if I'm ready to change that just yet.

Thea's been sitting with us at lunch and is slowly working her way into being friends with everyone. Her being friends with all the other girls I couldn't give one shit about, but her being friends with Beverley is important to me. I also wouldn't want to fuck that up with my feelings.

Besides, I need to focus on school and my future and all that bullshit. I still have no clue what I want to do with my life beyond high school. I've been thinking I'll go to university for art or something. It's really the only thing I can think of, as of right now. My issue is what would I do after that? There isn't much you can do with an art degree that will keep you off the streets that I know of, especially if you don't even have guidelines for what you want to do.

I suddenly hear a slap and my head whips to the side. After a second, my vision clears and my cheek starts to sting. After my brain finally starts working again, I focus on Beverley's hand held across her body, like she just slapped someone. That someone: Me.

"What the hell?" I gasped, my left hand coming up to cradle my cheek that must be turning pink.

Bev looks at me with a stern face before replying, "Girl, you have got to stop all this day dreaming shit. It's starting to get freaky and not in the good way. It's freaking me out, honestly. Was it Thea again?"

I finally take my eyes off her serious face and look around the room. I see Orion standing off to the side looking a little shocked. There's only one person who could do shit like that to me and not get fucked up, and that's Beverley. I've never seen her take advantage of that until now, and neither have either of the boys.

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