~Chapter 4~

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Ophelia's POV

Today's the last day of our first week of school, Friday. Which means tomorrow is the party at Hunter's, the one I invited Thea to go with us to. My phone dings and I look down to find a text from her. Speak of the devil. I unlock it and click on our message chain.


Hey! Did you finish up the rest of the packet,

I know we didn't finish the whole this in class haha

(Sept. 6, 8;07am)

Beverley leans over my shoulder to catch a glimpse of who is interrupting her story. Once she sees that it is Thea she quickly changes moods, instead of being angry she becomes excited. "Oh, you have to ask her to come over this weekend to finish it," she says with a grin.

"How do you know that I haven't finished it already," I say smugly. She gives me an incredulous look.

"Because I know you and you won't do something until the last minute, then you call me freaking out because of it. Then we both get roped into doing your stupid projects until three in the fucking morning," I sigh because I know she's right. But that doesn't mean I'm going to invite Thea over to finish it.

As I go to tell Bev my decision, she takes my phone and types away while I try to grab it back, she skillfully dodges my attempts. Soon, I hear the swoosh of a text being sent and I put my head in my hands, "Well, shit."

Beverley hands my phone back with an aloof expression and I scramble to see what she said. Panic seeps into my stomach as I read the message, even more so when I see Thea text back which means there is no hope of deleting the message and moving on.


Hello! I haven't yet but I don't think it's due until

later next week. Maybe you can come over so

and we can work on it over the weekend.

(Sept. 6, 8:08am)


I think that would work!

What's your address?

(Sept. 6, 8:11am)

Well, fuck me. I'm not about to leave her hanging but my panic is growing by the second. I hand the phone back to Bev before saying, "I need you to send her my address. Please," she smiles at my distraught. She begins typing away before I hear the swoosh again. To my horror, she starts to type out another message and before I can grab the phone back, I hear a second swoosh. Shit.


12235 w Hazel St

(Sept. 6, 8:11am)

You should get ready for the party tomorrow

with me and Bev at my house, then you can

drive over with us and Orion! It's perfect!

(Sept. 6, 8:12am)


Actually that sounds great!

What time should I be over?

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