When I was young...

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winter as a child was always fun. the season of joy and love. growing up it was a hastle. buying gifts, all the family events and rushing all day.

I wish I could go back to the time I was with my friends, sneaking out to go to party's and skip family dinners. gods forgive the amount of alcohol I consumed those nights.

the only thing I regret is not enjoying it more, my only true friends I know I'll never see again are what I miss most. the twins, not only did they get hotter every year. something about them was intoxicating. they were party animals, but they always respected me, they even held my hair back when I got sick from over drinking.

12:39 am, November 26th

I think I was watching Tv when my phone rang...

brother: hey, guess what!

Lillith: hey Damian, what's up?

Damian: I got plane tickets!

Lillith: what do you mean, to where?

Damian: shit let me explain, you remember my friends the twins?

Lilith: the twins? Eli and elissha?

Damian: they sent us plane tickets, their super famous and remembered us! get packed.

beep, beep,beep.

the phone went silent. i rememered them more than Damian knows, i masterbate to the way they fingered me.. every night. ive been with many men but ive never lost my virginity.. no one in 12 years have been able to touch me the way they did..

12:56 am

i got everything in my closet packed, including lingere my mother got me for my 21st birthday.. i dont know how much theyve changed but i know ive develped and im gonna show it off. i looked them up many times over the years and apparently they own clubs all over italy.

6:34 am november 27th

I woke up to a text from my brother, our flight leaves at 11 am and i have to leave in an hour. its a 4 hour flight and i plan to look like a model when we arrive. i ran to take a shower and get dressed, i put on my sexiest bralette with my designer accseries and dress pants.

 i ran to take a shower and get dressed, i put on my sexiest bralette with my designer accseries and dress pants

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