Chapter 16

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- winter ball -

(Astrid) welcome everyone to the vanhaven castle this is no longer in Benedicts name, he is dead to me and florian, they have faced actions to theirs crimes, Benedict murdered a woman that was family to me *holding adelines hand* and florian nearly took the life of the last thing I had left of her they were banished from this castle with the help of God's who made sure we would never see them again so please direct me as queen Astrid Vanhaven

(Adeline) let us go down *walking with Astrid*

(Zagerus) *waiting by stairs* may I dance with you?

(Astrid) go have that dance

(Zagerus) *walking with adeline to dance floor* you look lovely

(Adeline) I wanted to match you prince of darkness

(Zagerus) well I need a princess of darkness *kissing adelines hand*

(Maryell) this is lovely

(Florence) I'm glad you could join us

(Maryell) the guys are happy for adeline they are like older brothers for their little sister

(Hunter) *dancing with ashlynn*

(Darling) Gillian care to join me?

(Gillian) of course

(Sparrow) Heather come dance

(Heather) I am

(Ravinh) *dancing with dexter*

(Hero) where's Percy?

(Harold) he should be here soon let's go get some food they'll meet us there

(Cerise) Chase hurry up

(Chase) I'm coming

(Daring) *dancing with apple* I love you

(Tucker) Percy let's go check the sweets Harold and hero are there

(Percy) coming

(Hero) there you guys are

(Harold) you made it

(Percy) of course we would

(Zeith) adeline

(Dominic) there you are

(Adeline) guys *hugging group*

(Yvonne) we love you addie

(Zenith) we missed you while you've been busy

(Adeline) the kingdom is open to you all

(Amelia) annora and I are here for you mother if you ever need time away from the kingdom

(Astrid) I love the changes now and I'm happy with the welcoming of everyone into our kingdom

(Conrad) Jeremiah and I are here if you need big brother figures adeline

(Adeline) I've got many big brother figures and I love it

(Jeremiah) you should dance with your prince

(Zagerus) *placing flower crown on adelines head* I held onto it for you

(Adeline) I love it

(Zagerus) let's go my princess *dancing with adeline*

(Adeline) getting to have you as my first anything is something I love

(Zagerus) it's not often of this coming from a god like me with anger issues, you've changed me, you let me be myself and I was always here to protect you no matter what happened or if that jerk got in your way, the day I met you I saw a kind girl who hated the prince I despised him too but I got to know a lovely girl that I'd love to have as my princess

(Adeline) are you asking me to be with you?

(Zagerus) I should have asked sooner but yes I am

(Adeline) *hugging zag* my answer would be yes anyway

(Zagerus) *kissing adeline* I love you

(Adeline) I love you too

- end of story -

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