The beginning of all beginnings

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Trevor POV

I never wanted to be like this, I never chose this lifestyle for myself. I never wanted the people I loved most dead. I just wanted to study the monsters not knowing in the end.... I would be one. I was on the hunt for the one who made me like this. I never intended to hurt anyone, but in a way it helped the pain that I wanted so badly to stop. So I went on a spree of turning the ones that were hunting us down and kill us. Or even those who wanted to learn so much more about us because they secretly wanted to be one of us.

Well, one night it all changed when I saw someone lurking in the shadows. Do they not know? Silly humankind! I say that but I was once one of them and only to be one of the creatures I hated. That's why when they came closer and closer. I couldn't take it anyone, my instincts kicked in and I grabbed him and bit his neck. Knowing this moment would change his life forever. But only if I knew someone had been with him. It never would have happened like this. I took off back into the shadows, knowing full well if I didn't I would have been killed. But no one knows that my humanity never really left during the transformation, but that doesn't matter right now.

So I did what I was best at which was ran. I never looked back because I didn't wanna see the pain in the poor women's eyes knowing full well I took her person away from her. But my animal side took over and all I remember was growling then I saw RED.

Chapter one
The meeting

I was never one to speak out of term or ever correct a teacher even though they weren't right all the time. I hid behind all the other kids in my grade because that's how I made it though all the other years of school. Never growing tired of learning and never really having to speak to anyone besides for a moment of time. I was very knowledge about school, but when it came to the real world. I was blind as a bat because I thought if I learned more about the world we live in then I would become fearful and never be seen again. So I stuck to my routine of waking up to school to back home. Repeat. I know it is not every seniors dream in high school to be so dull, but I liked and enjoyed not being the center of anyones attention. That was until one late day in December when he showed up.

I remember seeing him around not knowing what grade he was in or if he was smart. Elena what is going through your mind! Get back on track! School no boys the goal is to finish first. But all those thoughts I usually had subsided when I saw him in every class throughout the day. I wanted to ignore him that was until one day in March when we got paired up together in science and I had to talk to him because if not I would fail. Failing was not an option in my book. Success was my number one goal, but slowly it changed to getting to know Arthur and everything about him. Cause next thing I know it was April and we were friends that spent all our time that we could spend together, TOGETHER. Everyone around us found it weird and annoying. I got the whispers from people around school like he's too good looking for her or she's the smarty pants of the class. I turned my head and ignored what I had heard. Our friendship was getting stronger and he was teaching me about the world that we live in and the creatures or should I say monsters that are in it. Thats when one special kind of monster caught my interest the werewolves.

Arthur enjoyed studying them too and talked about how his family goes on hunts for them after losing his uncle and his father. Learning that they were just trying to learn more about the species and then they appeared with bites on their necks. Made me uneasy, but that changed nothing I wanted to learn more about why they did it and who they are going to go after next. Because to me it seemed like a patterned that no one followed that was until I talked with Arthur about it and he agreed with me.

We started to get more into depth with learning the creatures. My father was actually someone that had a specific book to help with information about all the creatures in this world. And yes I did say creatures plural because what we all thought were just in stories are REAL. The unique thing about this book is that the only way you can open it, is by being a hunter. My family were just original people till the day I found that book. The red lining and the bold black print on the front. The book came with a warning that said, " If you can open this book and see what's inside you will never see the world the same again. It will unlock the gift inside you. Some may have knew about this gift others it was hidden from for their protection." I decided since I was really committed to learning and discovering more that I would open this book and unlock the gift of being a hunter. Dragging my fingers along the edge and feeling the rough edges of the pages only made me want it more. My fingers dragged more and more along the opening until they landed on a lock. I need a key. I continued to look at the lock and dragged my finger along it. Pressing my thumb firmly against the lock and it opened. The information came rushing in faster than I could take. It's like all the pictures of the creatures and their weaknesses were embedded into my brain permanently. The last creature to come through the pages as it were alive was the werewolves. The images of an alpha and the pack. How they become what they are. The ones that are turned because of coming to close to the creatures and once they became one they can't spill their secrets. The way that the bloodline was borne. But it seemed there was a page ripped out and it was titled how to destroyed the werewolf blood line. That's when it seemed like book had come to a close. But there's always room to add onto the information, but it seemed as though you don't use paper and pen. You use your mind to input the data as though the book wants to make sure it's real. It seems as though it's been in the family for centuries being pasted on from generation to generation.

I ran as fast as I can down the tree lines and along the roads. I had one thought in mind, I need to get to Arthur to tell him the information about the werewolves. The thumping in my ears as I ran faster and faster to get there. The roads started to get shorter and shorter as I neared my destination. I see the edge of the driveway towards the persons I was determined to see house. It was a sight like no other the bright blue with the white trim that only got brightened by the sun. I got to the door and lifted my hand to knock. Arthur answered and hurried me inside like he saw something he shouldn't have seen. I shook him and shook him. "Arthur!" And still no response. "Arthur . " He shook his head and looked at me dead in the eyes. He took two deep breaths and began to speak like a whisper below his voice. Arthur said, " werewolf!" I took a second to process then it was like instinct took over and I began to look out the window. I began running around looking out every single window till I came to Arthur's room window and I came eye to eye with bright yellow eyes.

My mind began to race and I ran down the stairs to Arthur. "Arthur, I have something to tell you and it's a lot." He took some deep breaths and shook his head. And look me dead in the eyes. " Arthur, my family is full of hunter's and there's this notebook that tells all the creatures of this world's secrets. But it can only be unlocked by a hunter and this book as lets the hunter see the world differently than they did before. With that being said Arthur I am a hunter and I come from a long line of them."

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