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Trevors POV


My wolf started doing a little happy dance inside my head and chasing his own tail. When I tell you that Damian has never acted this way before in his life. He hasn't, he is always so serious and never lets anyone in. That's part of the reason of the people I have known in my past are dead now. I started to shake my head to rid myself of the images flying through right now, but it was too late.


The smell of blood was fresh in my mind and as I looked down at my fur coat it was covered. I was just coming out of the haze that Damian had put me in to protect me from what just happened. But the smell of the blood was too fresh and I turned our head to look behind us and all I saw was the bodies of people I loved and knew. My best friend of ten years lay with his head twisted an odd way and the blood was still leaking from his chest and his face. "Damian, Damian!", I shouted at my wolf. "What?", Damian asked in annoyance. "What did you do?", I asked raising my voice some more to scare him. " We killed them.", said Damian in a low tone.

That's when the pictures of us fighting one of the packs that had offered me shelter. Went thru my mind as if it was just a bad dream. Having to let my best friend of ten years fight my wolf and that's when I remember Damian shoving me to the back of my mind and blocking me off. Since I know had control at this point. I turned us around from where we were heading from.Back to where we were that's when I saw the women and children lying in pools of their own blood. I continued to look but the more I looked the more I got sick to my stomach. All the people that I called friends, family, and more. ARE DEAD! I transformed back from my wolf and ran from the sight that burned into my mind. I continued to run until I was out of sight and went to the nearest tree and got sick.

I decided then that I was never going to allow Damian to have control again, cause whenever he does. People that I love and care about die. Because they get caught in the cross fire.

End of Flashback

"Damian, I'm sorry, but I'm not letting you have control when you and I both know what happened last time.",I said to him very calmly but also having some tone to it to scare him. He just shook his head and retreated to the back of my mind. He b built a wall around himself for both of our protection and for the protection of our mate. I began to slowly go towards the women that had already gotten out of the car. She had already been racing towards me and she was battling her wolf. I could tell because her eyes began to change back and forth. She slowed down and calmed down, once she saw me slowly going towards her.

We finally reached each other and that's when I noticed her father was right by her side. I stuck my hand out to him and he took my hand and shook it. My name is Trevor Black and I'm honored you're at my pack. It truly is an honor the older man said and then pointed to his daughter this is Selena Nightwood my oldest. She is here to right her mate, but I suspect that she already has. Am I correct? and he looked me dead in the eyes looking for my answer. Yes sir, it is correct. 

Selena smiled so big that the smile went to her eyes and the deep blues that were her eyes had become a bright blue. She went to touch me and I pulled away. She had a look of deep hurt in her eyes that she quickly covered up. Luckily her father didn't see the interaction. I can't love her though because she has no idea of the monster I am and I never wanna hurt her. And there's no guarantee that I won't because when he is in control, I know nothing. I feel the push on my mind of her wolf Aubree trying to push her way through to Damian, but he pushed her out. He closed the mind-link and began to hide deeper and deeper into my mind. Selena shook her head and bent her head to hide her sadness, but I could feel it in waves coming from her. I lead them through the pack house and up to my father's office. Where Selena's dad and my dad got to talking.

I started walking off until I noticed footsteps behind me and I turned around and whispered I'm sorry. She whispered It's okay and we just kept walking in silence for a while. Until she asked me a question that I didn't wanna answer, but I knew I owned it to her. "Why did you push away from me like that back at the doorway?", Selena asked with sadness in her eyes. " You don't know what he has done....", I said with a saddened tone. " What he has done?",Selena said. "My wolf has not only caused me, but me a lot of pain and I don't want him accidentally hurting you.", I said with the saddened tone thickening. "I know I just met you today, but I know you would never try to hurt me or Aubree. She's very determined to make your wolf come out and talk to her. Cause we are already falling for you and I don't care how long it takes for you to love me back.",said Selena with a smile.

"We love you, so it's not going to take very long at all.", Damian and I said in unison." Really?", said Selena with a squeal. With that she hugged me tightly and the tingles went through my entire body and for once in my life I relaxed. I leaned into the hug more and more until there wasn't any distance between us. That's when we both leaned our heads back and we looked each other in the eyes. She was stealing glances at my lips and I was stealing glances at hers. We both leaned in and the kiss was very slow yet passionate, like it was oxygen to both of us. Damian started to come closer and closer to the front of my mind unbuilding the wall that was built up. And once he saw that we were kissing our mate, he began to howl in our mind. My eyes began changing color from brown to a darker grey color. And I looked into Selena's eyes to see that they were going between blue and purple. Her wolves eyes were unique and very rare it made me wonder what her wolf looked like. I pushed her off me and began to say sorry. She looked at me and said hey it's me and let's take our time. 

It's just my wolf and if he gets out of control because I never tend to have control in any circumstance. And I explained that he has killed people that have gotten in his way and hasn't let anyone close to us because of what has happened. We should get your wolf out and figure out what has made him so cold and what made him a killer. I looked at her in shock and disbelief. But I shook my head in agreement to the situation that needs to happened. 

"Okay, let's do this!",said Selena in an excited yet nervous tone. We went to my room and shut and locked all the doors and windows. I sat in a chair with my arms and legs tied for the safety of myself and my mate. She started to try to get my wolf out, but nothing was working. All he wanted to do was hide that was until Selena let Aubree come out. 

"Hello, Damian. You wanna come out to play.", said Aubree in a flirty yet seductively voice.

Next thing I know I was pushed back inside my mind, only this time I wasn't blocked from seeing what was happening. My eyes had fully changed color and we looked up into our mates eyes. Aubree let out a shocked yelp.

"Hello, beautiful. Anything for you my darling.",said Damian with a smirk on his face.

"Now, you wanna untie me darling.",said Damian.

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