New School

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Trevor's POV

Well today's the first day at a new school where no one knows my secret besides my pack members. Being a werewolf isn't always easy and me getting closer and closer to my 18th birthday isn't helping. My wolf is at odds and tries to take over more especially with humans getting too close to my pack. My wolf went on a killing spree while hunting away from the pack cause he tracked humans he thought were a little too close. My names Trevor Black and I'm the alpha of the Full Blood Moon Pack.

Walking into those doors felt like a flashback and a never ending cycle of terror. The school was full of humans and my wolf didn't like being too close to humans because of what they did to my family. I have been able to calm him down the best I can for now and I know not all humans are the same. But Damian my wolf had to watch as they poked and took away parts of my own sister because they were testing her for data. I'll never forget the look on her face, it was one full of sorrow and tears leaking from her eyes. The last thing she told me wasn't even said it was a mouthed I love you and RUN. Shaking my head to get the thoughts rolling around out of my mind.

I was walking trying to find the office in my many missed attempts because of being distracted by my own thoughts. I saw Gwen waving her hands at me and smile a big smile. Gwen is my best friend and honestly one of my best warriors. I took long strides towards her and reached her in a moment. She pointed her finger to the door next to her and I read the sign on the door that said office. I entered into the room and focused my eyes on the scene in front of me. A girl a little shorter than I was, was in front of me talking to the woman at the front desk about possibly switching one of her classes to a harder class. She went to move her hair from her face and it was beautiful. The girl standing in front of me didn't compare to any girl I had ever seen. Her hair a dark brown and her eyes a wonderful night sky blue. Her smile had me in a daze for minutes, but it felt like hours. And her voice was soft, but full of power. Her scent didn't line up with her voice very well. She smelled as if she were human, but its power was leaking from her pores. Maybe she wears something to mask her scent or maybe she just recently found out what she is. The girl made her way past me so she could get to the doors she smelt of vanilla and cinnamon. For a second I talked to Damian and asked him if he knew her. He shook his head and laid down fully in my mind.

Walking up to the counter I get my schedule and a map of the school. AP this AP that and yes I'm very smart and no it's not just cause I'm a wolf. I began to go through the day and manage to get to every class on time or even a little before the bell. And before I knew it was lunch time which is my favorite meal of the day. I looked at my map and followed its directions to where the food is. Getting in line and getting a tray I decided to go for a wrap today cause who doesn't like chicken wraps. I paid for my food and walked out the doors and was hit with voices and more voices. I searched the crowded room for Gwen or maybe even Jack. Jack being my second in command and all I like to stick by his side for whenever he had news. I finally found Gwen and she wasn't sitting alone. I recognized the long dark brown hair from earlier. I don't know her name, but I'm making it my goal to know it before the end of the day. I smiled and waved a Gwen and went in giving her a big hug. I sat down and extended my hand to the girl sitting just across the table from me. "Hi, my name is Trevor and I'm new to the school. Hopefully we can be friends cause it's always good to have friends." I said while smiling a big cheesy smile. She extended her hand out back towards me and shook my hand. " Hello, my name is Elena Kingston and it's nice to meet you. Maybe we could be friends after getting to know each other." Elena said with a smile that reached her eyes and the blue in her eyes had deepened to a sapphire blue. All of a sudden we were interrupted by a male that was about 5'11 and has blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He sat down at the table close to the girl I now knew was Elena."Hi. my name is Arthur and I see you have met Elena." , said Arthur with a smirk very clear on his face.

That smirk on his face made me very angry and my wolf almost slipped out a growl. I stuck out my hand to him and said Hi my name is Trevor and of course I have. A smirk rose to my face and was stuck there when I saw Arthurs face in shock. I was having a conversation with Gwen thru our mind link about training for today. And also that we had guest arriving at the pack house today that were of high importance. Who is it? Gwen had asked thru our link. You know the neighboring pack The Blood Thirst Pack. Yeah, said Gwen. Well the alpha and his daughter are on their way to our pack right now and should be there by the time we get back today. Gwen nodded at me and we went back to the conversation that was happening at our table. " So, Arthur how long have you known Elena?", I asked. "Well we have seen each other around school since high school had started, but hadn't really talked before November of this year.", said Arthur. "Oh, okay so do you guys know anything about like the prom and who's taking who?", I asked even though I wasn't very interested in the answer. Elena jumped in and said it's about a month away and I don't know who already has a date. I nodded like I was acknowledging what Elena had just said and we talked about our days. That's when the bell sounded to sound that we were to go to our next class.

I went throughout the rest of the day just thinking about what was going to happen next. Especially with an Alpha from another pack coming and with his daughter. I wondered, if they were coming so she could look for her mate. Maybe he was my beta or maybe he was one of my warriors. Maybe I'll find my mate soon too. The day went on and the bell had finally rung for the last time today and I dashed out the door. Getting to my car in a sprint to be able to get to the pack before the guest is supposed to arrive. Speeding home as fast as I can with also being safe. Getting home and sprinting up the stairs and getting cleaned up from the day. Then going to my father's office to see what the plan was for when our guest arrive. You see the thing is that my dad is still alpha right now until I find my forever mate. But as soon as I have my mate, I will be able to take my title as alpha and begin to run the pack. I think my father was also trying to wait until I graduated from high school, so I wouldn't have to miss because of trips and paperwork. The tires rolling against the ground outside caught my attention. I quickly told my father hello and that I think the guest has arrived. I ran down the stairs and made it to the bottom of the stairs, when the smell of flowers and vanilla started flooding my nostrils. I went to the door and flung it wide open and it showed me one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. She was 5'6 with blonde hair and striking blue eyes. She stood tall and started looking all of the place till her eyes landed on me.

We both said the word at the same time.....................................................................................


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