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"Well what do you think?" Pansy smiled at me, admiring her reflection in the mirror. She was playing with the straps of her lace black dress, complimenting her naturally dark hair perfectly.

"I think you stunning! That dress really suits you." I laughed, "Blaise is going to love it."

"You think so?" Pansy smiled warmly; holding her hand to her heart and forming a loving look in her eye.

"I know so." I grinned, gesturing my hands out for us to embrace in a hug. "I still can't believe he actually found up the courage to ask you, I've been waiting for you two to get together for years!" I laughed audibly, covering my mouth, my smile seething through the gaps of my fingers.

Pansy sighed, "I just hope Mattheo asks you soon, then we can both talk about our dates together."

I nodded in agreement, leaning back on the chair in our dorm; "Me too. He's probably plotting something..." I giggled, "He's always up to something."

Pansy groaned loudly, "Can we just skip to the ball already? I want to see this dress you've bought that you've rudely decided to keep secret from me!"

"You'll see it next week at the Yule ball." I giggled, "That's if Mattheo asks me of course!"

"Oh he will. Don't you worry."


It was now around midnight and Pansy had told me she was spending the night with Blaise; and if I'm being completely honest I didn't really feel like asking what they're plans were for the night because I'm not so sure i'd like the answer.

I'd spent the night at my desk; finishing off multiple potions assignments and writing letters to my dad. I was very hesitant to tell him about Mattheo; as I knew he wouldn't approve. If my dad knew he was a Riddle, Id be sent home from Hogwarts and on the train home quicker than you can say 'Expecto Patronum'. I'd written so many drafts but the majority of them had ended up in the bin as I felt like they weren't worded correctly or gave off too much information about Mattheo.

"Dear Dad,
I hope all is well, I'm sorry I haven't written back to you in awhile, with everything going on recently surrounding the Triwizard Tournament It's been super hectic, so my dearest apologies about that.
There's a ball coming up within the next week. Me and Pansy visited Hogsmeade over the weekend to buy our dresses. I wish you could see the dress I purchased for myself but I am fully aware of your current situation, and I just hope that someday your name will be cleared and we can finally live a normal life without the disruptions from dementors or the ministry.
As for the ball, as of right now I do not have a date but I have taken interest in a certain boy who I've been talking with for a month now. That's all I know for now but I will as always be sure to update you if anything changes.
Yours Truly,
- Y/N."

I folded the letter into an envelope, carefully sealed it and reluctantly gave it to the owl perched on my open window. I knew Sirius would want to hear more about Mattheo; but everything was going on so perfectly between us that I feared my dads judgement would be enough to end it permanently, I mean; It's not like Mattheos dad is particularly pleased about him dating me, hell, I doubt he even knows about us.

I decided to take a seat in the main common room area. It got pretty lonely in the dorms and the common rooms at night were always quiet and somewhat comforting, despite the rooms aesthetic being cool-toned and eery, it still felt cozy; it felt like home.

I yawned loudly upon walking down the stone steps, I smiled to myself at the sight of the empty common room and an open fire. It was perfect.
I fashioned myself onto the sofa; crossing my legs and opening up a book Guilderoy Lockhart had just recently published. Despite him being a total fraud, I couldn't deny that he was a good storyteller and author.

I enjoyed the minute of blissful silence. The sound of cracking from the fire echoing off of the walls and surrounding me. It was moments like this that manufactured my love for Hogwarts, moments like this that made me fall in love with the castle.

"What are you reading?" I heard a familiar voice whisper behind me. I smirked at the sound of his voice, a voice I know all too well.

"You've caught me at a bad time," I sighed loudly, "Guilderoy Lockheart."

Mattheo scoffed, "Seriously? Didn't we establish a long time ago that his stories are all fake?"

I laughed, slamming my book shut and offering my gaze toward Mattheo. "Yes, but this one's actually true. It's about his trip to the Chamber Of Secrets."

Mattheo gulped at the words, 'Chamber Of Secrets'. I forgot about the chambers relation to his father. I wish I knew more about their dynamic but I figured it was a sensitive topic and not something to bring up so early into our relationship.

"He probably lied about that too I bet." Mattheo smiled at me, his hand tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Probably." I laughed, my gaze still fixed to his.

There was a moment of silence. Not the awkward kind of silence. A silence that despite the lack of noise spoke enough words to be easily translated. It was almost like the silence was speaking a thousand, 'I love you's."

"So i'm sure your aware the ball is coming up..." Mattheo whispered, his fingers still intertwined with my hair.

"Mhm..." I grinned, fluttering my lashes at him.

"And I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?" He asked, smirking with satisfaction as he practically knew the answer I was going to give.

"Of course Mattheo." I smiled, leaning in closer to him and planting a kiss on his lips, feeling his smile through the kiss. His hand found my waist as I ran my hands through his dark curls, grinning as he deepened the kiss.

"Get a room!" Lorenzo laughed, walking in through the front door of the common room.

"Lorenzo!" Me and Mattheo shouted in perfect unison, giggling slightly and pulling away from eachother.

"What?" He laughed, his voice slightly muffled as he took a bite of his brownie and looked blankly at us.

"Where have you been?" I asked, my eyes flickering between his face and the brownie.

"Hufflepuff common rooms. Did you know they have a kitchen IN THEIR COMMON ROOM?" Lorenzo emphasised, taking yet another bite of the brownie.

Me and Mattheo both rolled our eyes and scoffed, still surprised at Lorenzos comedic timing.

"Why were you in the Hufflepuff common rooms?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

My question was met without an answer.

"Merlin! Are you seeing someone Mr Berkshire?" I gasped sarcastically.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" He smiled.

I turned to Mattheo, giving him a knowing smirk and placing a kiss on his forehead;

"I better get some sleep. Goodnight Riddle." I smirked.

"Goodnight, Y/N."

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