All Too Well

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The cold breeze seeped through the stained-glass window and fell onto my face, forcing me to open my heavy eyelids as chills grew around my cheeks and down to my arms.

I remember yesterday all too well. Every moment, every conversation, every time our hands touched. Fuck, was I in love?

"Y/N? Hello?" Pansy said, snapping her fingers in my face and laughing as I shake my head, "You need to get up, we're gonna be late." Pansy adds, jumping off my bed and throwing clothes directly flying onto my duvet.

I rub my eyes, probably smearing left over mascara from last night, "What lesson do we have? Please don't say potions." I reply, yawning dramatically.

"We don't have a lesson today silly, it's the first Triwizard tournament task you idiot!" Pansy giggles, applying mascara, "Now put the clothes I picked out for you on."

SHIT. I had completely forgotten about the Triwizard tournament, both Harry and Cedric were competing. I nodded at Pansy briefly and looked at the outfit she picked out for me, she had chosen a black mini skirt, matching boots, a white tank and a red leather jacket.

 I nodded at Pansy briefly and looked at the outfit she picked out for me, she had chosen a black mini skirt, matching boots, a white tank and a red leather jacket

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"As cute as this is..." I smirked at Pansy, "I Don't think Mattheo is gonna be happy about the red jacket, you know how much he hates Gryffindor or whatnot."

Pansy rolled her eyes at me, throwing her hands to her side, "I figured you'd want to support Potter, do you not?" 

I nodded at her. "I do."

"Aren't you two on good terms now? I heard that he still likes you." Pansy replied, pursing her lips, "And that older Hufflepuff, what's his name again..."

I throw a pillow at Pansy, "Oh shut up, he does not like me!"

"Oh he does." Pansy grins widely, applying lipstick to her bottom lip.

"As if!" I roll my eyes, "Besides, I heard he likes that Ravenclaw girl, pretty sure her name is Cho or something." 

"I've seen the way he looks at you, the lust in his eyes." Pansy mocks.

"Oh shut up. I have a boyfriend." I lie, walking into the green tiled bathroom, closing the door behind me. I began putting my clothes on. Admiring the hoodie Mattheo gave me last night before taking it off and throwing my hair into a not-so-effortless half up half down with a matching red velvet bow.


*At the Tournament*

Me and Pansy pushed our way through the stands, both of us holding matching hot chocolates in our hands and muttering small, "Coming through's" and, "Sorry's" as we bumped into people on our way. Pansy pointed toward Theo, Blaise, Draco, Lorenzo and Mattheo, signaling for us both to sit next to them.

"Hey boys." Pansy smirked, carefully taking a seat beside Blaise and crossing her legs.

"Hey." They all responded in perfect unison, making me let out a laugh.

Mattheo looked to his right, noticing my prominently loud laugh and slightly smiling. God his smile was enough to turn a pitch black sky into a glistening sapphire blue one. I sat next to him and awkwardly smiled at him before glancing at the floor.

"You know..." Mattheo whispered into my ear slightly, "You could of chosen a seat on my lap." He grinned, ruining the moment as per usual.

I looked up at him, raising my eyebrows, "I'd rather sit on the concrete floor, thanks." I whispered back, taking a sip of my hot chocolate.

If I'm being honest, I knew that wasn't true.

"They're gonna start to think were faking our relationship you know." Mattheo whispered beside me again.

"Because we are." I sighed.

"You said that as if you were upset, love." Mattheo replied, biting his cheek and resting his finger under my chin; slightly tilting my head upward to look at him.

The sudden beaming sound of the Hogwarts band began to roar throughout the arena, making me jump from Mattheo's grip.

"Our first contestant..." A voice shoots out from the speakers, "Cedric Diggory!" 

I clear my throat before breaking out into a frantic array of clapping, fear immersing itself in my body, I watched a certain fluffy haired Hufflepuff appear out of nowhere.

I saw him gulp at the sight of the dragon, if I were him; I think I'd drop dead purely just at the thought of having to battle one.

Cedric quickly transfigured a nearby rock into a...Labrador dog?

The dog seemed to distract the Dragon though, giving Cedric just enough time to snatch the golden egg in the center of the arena. The crowd erupted into a loud roar and vast cheering as he held the egg up in the air triumphally. 


*Small time skip*

"And our youngest and final contestant..." the speaker said loudly, "Harry Potter!"

I gulped nervously, clapped my hands and sat on the edge of my seat. 

"Your serious?" Mattheo spoke.

"Huh?" I laughed.

"Your getting all nervous for Potter, aren't you?" Mattheo smirked maliciously. I love it when he's all jealous and shit.

"No, just worried for him, he's only 15 you know." I said, rolling my eyes.


Harry stumbled onto the rocks, I hear Draco let out a loud laugh and I scoff at him. God just the slight sound of Draco's voice was enough to make me feel the urge to pitch him off the astronomy tower.

I notice Harry mumble a spell under his breath, hiding not-so-discretely behind a boulder. The audience gulps with anticipation, the dragon letting out a large blast of flaming hot fire, making me shakingly grab onto Mattheo's veiny hand, my nails tangled into his rings; I didn't even have to look at him to know he was smirking.

Suddenly a broom came accelerating toward Harry. Harry mounts the broom swiftly, everyone watching in Horror as the Dragon flaps it's abnormally large wings and follows Harry, whom was heading toward Hogwarts.

The Crowd broke out into small murmurs, eager to see where Harrys whereabouts were and if he was okay; I noticed Hermione using binoculars to try and spot him but to her disappointment... nothing.

"I hope the bastard gets killed." Draco laughs, making me snap my neck to look at him.

"I wish the same upon you." I spat.

"Aw poor you. You have a crush on Potter." Draco grins, folding his arms.

I scowl at him, "Fuck you. I have a boyfriend."

Mattheo stands behind me, snaking his cold hands around my waist. "Damn right she does."

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