Already over

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The next thing I remember was laying on a concrete blue mattress, my eyes slowly beginning to unclose as I glanced around to see a small lantern placed on a bedside table next to me. 

Cold air, curtains separating each bed, light rays seeping through the cracks of the window...


I was in the hospital wing.

I lightly began to sit up, rubbing my eyes before opening them to catch a sight of three familiar looking boys...

Brunette curly hair, cut on the bridge of his nose...

Another with platinum blonde hair, silver eyes...

And the final one, Red tie, messy dark brown hair and rounded glasses...

For fuck sake. I knew I was on good terms with them all now, but did they seriously all have to show up here at the SAME time? 

"She's up." I heard Mattheo say, fixing his posture and pushing his chair nearer towards me.

"We can see that, Idiot." Draco spat.

 "Wow. You guys can't even stop arguing when I could of died." I said, smirking.

Draco scoffed.

"Y/N! Your awake." Harry smiled.

"Hi Harry." I smiled back, rubbing my head. "What happened to me? Why am I here?" I asked, looking at all of them and then glancing down at my bed.

"Some idiot spiked your drink." Mattheo said, raising an eyebrow and folding his arms.

"WHAT? How'd you explain that one to the nurse? She can't know we were throwing parties." I shot back.

"Relax. We told her someone spiked your drink in the great hall." Mattheo answered, stroking my hair.

Harry shot Mattheo a look.

"My bad Potter. Forgot you guys were a...thing." Matt smirked, knowing exactly what he was doing.

"Is that so?" Harry gulped.

"Ooo. Fiesty. I like it." Mattheo grinned, biting his lip and winking at me.

"Mattheo, Draco. Maybe it's best you guys go, I need to speak to Harry." I said, breaking the awkward silence.

Mattheo and Draco shook their heads out of disbelief and got up from their chairs before Mattheo shouted, "Don't do anything naughty together!" as he left.

I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"What's up?" Harry asked.

"I'm sorry about Mattheo and Draco. They have a thing for me and they get kinda jea-"

"THEY HAVE A THING FOR YOU?" Harry blurted out. 

"Yeah...I mean it's not that much of a shock knowing them." I responded.

"Your right. I just don't trust them." He said, looking down at the floor.

"Me neither." I laughed.


I eventually made it back to the common rooms after being released from the hospital wing. I had plans to meet with Pansy but Blaise informed me that she got a detention for swearing at a Professor which me and Blaise were quite amused at. Thankfully my dorm was empty as most people were going out to Hogsmeade.

I took a seat on my bed, staring at my unsigned permission slip. A parent had to sign it but due to my... complicated parental issues.. that wasn't possible. I saw Mattheo come out of the bathroom and walk into my dorm.

He reminded me of Harry. Wet hair, no shirt, towel on his shoulder and water dripping down his face and onto his cuts.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

Mattheo smirked, "I mean there's several things you could help me with but since you have a boyfriend I don't think that would be appropriate."

"Shut up." I said, throwing a book at him. 

Mattheo laughed.

"How come your not at Hogsmeade?" I queried.

"Do you seriously think my dad would even talk to me, let alone sign a permission slip to go shopping?" He shot back.

"Oh. Right." I nodded. "How come you've got a shopping bag then that says, 'Rarity Records' on it?"

Mattheo looked down at the bag he was holding, "This?" he asked, sitting down on the end of my bed.

"Mattheo get the fuck up your making my bed all wet." I yelled, pushing him; making his towel fall down slightly to a point where I could vaguely see a  'V' line.

Mattheo smirked at me.

"Don't make it dirty you asshole." I said, shaking my head. "Now what's in the bag?"

"If you stop being cocky I'll show you." Matt grinned, tilting his head. "It's a present for you actually."

"For me?" I mocked, putting my hand on my heart.

"Yes for you, you idiot." He responded, gently taking a vinyl out of the bag and handing it to me.

It was a Smiths, 1989 record.

"Oh my God Mattheo.. how did you know this was my favorite Smiths album?!" I laughed.

"Lucky guess." He smirked.

"Isn't this Record shop in Hogsmeade though? I thought you said you didn't get permission to go?" I asked.

"You really thought that was going to stop me?" He scoffed, "Please. We go to a school of magic, I think I can sneak into Hogsmeade without a permission slip." He grinned.

We were interrupted by a brief knock at the door.

"I'll get it." I spoke, placing the vinyl on the bed and walking over to the door.

It was Harry.

"Harry, how'd you get in?" I laughed.

"I know the password because of the part-" He stopped talking as he looked over at Mattheo.

I was confused for a moment, until I remembered Mattheo didn't have a shirt on and was still sat on my bed.


"Harry it's not like that-" I quickly said.

"Sure. I knew I couldn't trust him..." Harry said, nodding. "Or you."

My heart shattered.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐈𝐂𝐄  | Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now