Chapter Fifteen

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I had fallen to my knees after dropping the knife covered in the man's blood. I was sobbing my eyes out as my mind broke from the guilt. I had killed two guys in the span of I don't even know how long. I'd killed before though, why all of a sudden was I feeling this way? I didn't like killing people, but I had never had a reaction like this from killing anyone.

My body was shaking as I looked up through my tear filled eyes to see the bloodstained knife not far from my body, closely behind it was the hound's body.

Was it over now? Was I free to go? What happened now exactly?

People were running around, they must have set the other prisoners free. But why? What was going on? I took a deep breath as I tried to calm myself down, crying definitely wouldn't solve any of my problems.

I went to stand up but as I did I had to catch myself on the wall as my ankle shot through with pain. I looked down to see my ankle red, and slightly swollen. I must have hurt it during the fight, and didn't feel it until now because my adrenaline was wearing off.

I leaned against the wall as I watched all of the people heading one way before I heard some gunshots ring out in the air and then some yelling. What the hell was going on now?

I watched as the people starting running through the other door that I had walked through when they let me out of my cell. I watched them run, as I sighed softly and looked back down at my ankle. How was I going to get out with this?

Maybe after a bit the pain would fade or I would just have to walk on it. I could probably also hop around on one foot for a bit if I needed to, I just hope there wasn't any stairs.

Just as I was about to pull off the wall to start walking through the door I had come through I felt it, felt the presence of my soulmates.

They were here, they had found me! I knew they would. I started to run towards the door way that the gunshots came from, but before I could get very far I felt a pair of arms wrap tightly around me and immediately relaxed in their arms.

"Oh my god, Luna are you okay?" I heard Jimin ask me and I just hugged myself to him even tighter. I was safe with them, I would always be safe with them.

I felt Jimin's arms tighten around me in response as I just fell apart all over again. The tears wouldn't stop falling as he just kept placing softly kisses on my head and rubbing my back, trying to get me to calm down.

I felt the presence of multiple of my soulmates and looked up to them surrounding us. I calmed down a bit as I looked around at all of them. I was fully safe, I would be out of here in no time.

"How are you feeling Luna?" Taehyung asked me as I went to rub my eyes but Jimin stopped me. I looked down at the tattered sleeves of Hoseok's dress shirt, there was blood everywhere all over it.

"I'm fine, I just want to get out of here." I told him as I felt someone put their hand on my head and looked up to see Namjoon standing beside me.

"Let's get her out to the vehicles and once we're out there I'll check her over." Jin told the others as I just nodded softly but I could feel the others were unsure about what he said.

"Maybe we should take her to the hospital instead, then she could get checked out there." Hoseok said in an suggestive tone and I just shook my head.

"I'm going home, even if I have to walk all the way there. I'm not going to the hospital." I told them in as strong of a tone as I could muster.

"Then let's get going to the house, we'll debrief once we're back. Jin, you can check her over once we're back at the house as well." Namjoon said in an ordering tone as I saw the others all nod.

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