Chapter One

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Hoseok and I were locked in a very heated kiss, with me straddling his lap. His arms around my waist, pushing me into him more as my hands were tangled in his hair. His hands slipping under my shirt and causing me to shiver slightly.

Just as he was starting to raise my shirt a bit I heard my alarm on my phone go off and I pulled away from him slowly with a sigh. I reached over to my nightstand and turned the alarm off, before moving to get up only to be stopped by him.

Hoseok had tightened his arms around me, not allowing me to leave his lap. I looked back at him, to see a devilish look in his eyes.

"Did I say you could leave yet?" He asked me in a hard tone and I shook my head softly.

"You didn't, but I have an appointment to go to." I told him as I fixed his hair since I had messed it up.

"You mean you have a lunch date with Jin, like every other Tuesday and Friday." He told me causing me to shake my head.

"I actually have an appointment today, I'm getting some tests done." I told him as I looked down slightly, I hadn't told any of them about the tests that I was getting done.

"Tests for what? Are you okay? Do you feel sick?" He asked before I heard him gasp softly. "You aren't late are you?" He asked me and I smacked his shoulder softly.

"I'm getting my genes tested pabo." I told him as I could feel all of his stress and worry evaporate through the bond.

"Why are you getting your genes tested though?" He asked me and I shook my head softly, there were a lot of reasons.

"I want to see if I have the twin carrying gene before anything happens." I told him, the only reason I would give them.

After everything that had happened with the fighting and the whole butterfly thing, I didn't understand it. I had done a lot of research into it, and the only way to know anything for sure was to get my genes tested. Hopefully they would provide me with an answer as to why I was so messed up.

"That's only one of the reasons though Luna isn't it? One of the smaller reasons?" He asked me and I nodded softly, I couldn't lie to them.

Another one of the bad parts of having a soulmate, they could always tell when you were lying.

"What's the main reason?" He asked me in a curious and concerned tone. I think a part of him already knew, but he just wanted confirmation.

"I want to know why I am the way I am. Why I could do the things that I did. Hoseok, you can't tell me that it doesn't make any sense." I told him in a soft tone and he hooked one of his fingers underneath my jaw to make me look up at him.

"Luna, you're perfect the way you are. And I know it doesn't make any sense, but all of that is behind you now. You promised it was." He told me in a hard tone and I nodded in agreement.

"I just want to know why, and besides wouldn't you want to know if there is a chance that we could have twins in the future? I am a twin myself after all." I told him in a happier sounding tone, trying to change the topic.

"I guess it would be nice to know, but you don't have to. Surprises are always nice." He told me before kissing my lips softly and I kissed him back.

We kissed for a bit and I had to stop myself before we got too far and I missed my appointment. I pulled away from him and he sighed softly.

"Not fair, you trying to use the soulmate bond against me like that." I told him and he just smiled, the smile that lit up the entire room before he was back to being serious.

"Can I at least go with you?" He asked me and I nodded softly, before getting up finally.

"All I ask is that I drive, I barely get to drive my car." I told him and he nodded softly before getting up with me.

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