Chapter Sixteen

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After about an hour Jin had disinfected all my cuts and I had been carried into the theater room once I had changed into the clothes Jungkook had brought me. When we got there I was actually a bit surprised. There were mattresses laid all over the floor with blankets and pillows also all over and in the middle of all the mattresses there was a large coffee table with McDonald's bags on them.

I smiled a bit as I was set down on one of the beds closest to the coffee table. Honestly I didn't care too much about eating, all I wanted to do was sleep.

I reached over towards the pile of blankets and grabbed one before wrapping the blanket around me, snuggling into it's warmth.

"So are we watching anything or are we just using this room cause it's the biggest room in the house?" I asked no one in particular as they all came over to sit with me around the coffee table. The only one that wasn't here was Hoseok.

"We can watch something, what did you wanna watch?" Yoongi asked me as I watched them all start to take food out of the bags.

I shrugged softly as I looked up at the movie screen. "I'm not sure, anything of the horror genre would be fine." I told them as one of them nudged me softly and I looked down to see someone had set my usual down in front of me.

I picked up a fry and began to eat it slowly but I didn't have much of an appetite. I was more tired than anything but if they knew that they would be extremely worried, and I didn't want to worry them anymore than I already had today.

I looked up as the screen changed to Train to Busan, of course my favorite zombie movie. The movie started as everyone else was eating their food, I was slowly making my way through my food though.

"Make sure you eat at least most of your food, you can't take the antibiotics on an empty stomach." Jin told me in an authoritative tone as I nodded softly, already knowing that.

"So question, completely off topic question actually." I told them as I just needed to talk to them it seemed. It was weird, being away for them for like half a day all I wanted to do was be around them and hear their voices.

"What is your question Babygirl?" Jimin asked me as he was eating one of his own fries.

I looked down as I opened one of my sauces for my nuggets. "So about marrying you guys, um whose last name am I taking or am I hyphenating them all?" I asked them as I dunked a nugget into the sauce before eating it.

"That is a very good question. I don't think any of us have thought about that yet." Taehyung said before taking a bite out of his burger.

"I mean I have no problem hyphenating at all, just thought I'd ask cause we haven't talked about that." I told them as I shrugged once again before eating another nugget.

"Well then we'll do that. Anymore questions?" Jungkook asked me and I thought about that before shaking my head softly. I was a bit too embarrassed to tell them that I just wanted to hear their voices.

We all went back to eating our food as we watched the movie. Surprisingly my appetite had come back a bit, so I was eating at my normal pace again, but I was still tired.

We were only about thirty minutes into the movie when Hoseok came into the room with a small bag in his hand. "Sorry I'm late, had to pick up some stuff, but I'm back now. What did I miss?" Hoseok asked as he came up behind me before placing a kiss on the top of my head and setting two pill bottles on the table along with a bottle of water.

"We're just watching Train to Busan, you're food might have gotten cold while you were gone though." I told him as I looked at the two pill bottles.

All I had to do was take them and then I could finally go to sleep. I quickly took both of the pills but there was more of the antibiotics left. I finished my food next and then walked over on my knees to the pillows before grabbing a few and laying down to head to bed.

My tiredness was fully setting in now, today had taken a lot out of me. I laid down and closed my eyes before I felt the bed I was laying on dip beside me. I looked up to see Jin hovering over me.

"You're still wearing your ring right?" He asked me and I nodded, holding up my left hand to show him the ring that sat on my ring finger.

"I never take it off, why?" I asked him and he just shook his head softly.

"Thought they might have taken it from you is all. Just wanted to make sure you still had it." He told me and I nodded softly before yawning as Mochi came up and laid down beside me.

I smiled softly as the cat curled up next to me, and the lights in the room dimmed even more. I was out in a few minutes, sleeping soundlessly before the movie even came to an end.

(Jin's POV)
Luna had fallen asleep right away, and I didn't exactly blame her after the day she's had. I couldn't say that it wasn't worrying though, the last time she had fought someone in that emotionless state of her's she had been so tired and then after falling asleep her heart had stopped.

"So Damien told us he'd tell us everything tomorrow, he didn't really think after the day everyone has had that we needed anymore stress on our plate." Hoseok filled us all in and I nodded softly.

"The day isn't even over with yet, and we don't know if she'll have any problems like she normally does either. Nor do we know if she'll be okay enough tomorrow to even hear what he has to say." Yoongi said in a soft and worried tone, all of us were extremely worried.

"If she makes it through this with no problem I think she needs to slip. I was talking to her about it the other day but she said she wouldn't until she picked out a dress." Jungkook told us all and I honestly had to agree with him, she needed relief from all this stress.

"Well she did pick out a dress that she absolutely loves so she has no reasoning not to slip now." Hoseok told us as he sat down with the rest of us and began eating his own food.

"Unless she doesn't want to that is. She might be not allowing herself due to something we aren't aware of, maybe." Namjoon said in a thoughtful tone as he looked to be in a daze, probably trying to think of why.

"With how stressed she's been I think she wants to slip, just something might be keeping her from slipping." Taehyung said and I had to agree with him.

A silence took over the room as we were all left with our own thoughts on the matter. Maybe we were thinking too much into it. No matter what though, we hoped she was okay. Her going into that emotionless fighting stance of hers, so far nothing had happened but that didn't mean that nothing would. We just had to wait and see.

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