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The people around her turned their heads, unable to believe the sight before them. They had to check twice to be sure it was her. Was she really here? Back in her old glory? She looked the same, with the same bored gaze locked in her deep brown eyes, but she was different. She held her head higher than before. There was no pencil between her fingers, no drawings on her hand. Her skin was clear and smooth.

Yet, she didn't meet anyone's eyes. Her deep brown gaze fixed only on what lay in front of her, and no one dared stand in her way. Out of fear? She wasn't sure, but it wasn't her problem.

Her focus was solely on the boy on the bench, his head in his hands, soft black strands ruffled by his own touch. If she leaned closer, she would see the golden chain peeking out.

So focused on the man before her, she didn't even notice two well-known girls staring at her from afar, shocked. When she was close enough, she could hear him sigh, his head still buried in his hands. "Everything just seems like an excuse," she heard him grumble.

She put a hand on the wood, jumped over it, and let herself fall next to the young man on the bench. A soft tap caught his attention immediately. His head whipped to the side, frozen at the sight of her well-known deep brown eyes. His heart raced, blood rushing to his face. Their faces were so close that he could admire every part of her.

The display of his phone did her no justice.

Azadeh stared at him with the familiar bored look. Her suit jacket was too big for her, and the trouser suit was adorned with noble pictures. But her eyes scrutinized every part of him. He looked incredibly stressed yet relaxed at the sight of her. His beautiful hair and eyes—god, those beautiful eyes. But she couldn't shake the bitter taste in her mouth. One that made their beautiful reunion worse.

"Now, would you explain to me why everyone is telling me you've been cheating on me?" she demanded, impatiently waiting for an answer. She could hear her old schoolmates calling for her or screaming her name, but she only paid attention to the boy in front of her, who still hadn't given her an answer.

Her eyes narrowed at his silence, her patience wearing thin. Pressing her hand against the wood behind her, she leaned forward. The fact that she had experience with cheating made it even harder for her to maintain the bored expression on her face. "Hey. Stop ignoring me. It makes me wanna punch you so damn hard," she grumbled, pinching his arm, making him flinch. "Tell me, what's with that motel photo?" she asked again.

He stuttered, words without meaning, unsure how to explain. In the last few days, he had tried everything to make it clear that he hadn't cheated on her and would never cheat on her. But he lacked the right words to persuade her. The fact that even his own friends believed the rumor made it all the more difficult.

"A-Aza! A-About that..." Dom tried to intervene, but Azadeh ignored him, her attention fixed on the boy. "Jay left in the middle of class, saying he was going to the toilet, though," he tried again, only to be met with a dangerous look from her, silencing him. "That's something between us. So shut up," she told him coldly, her eyes returning to her boyfriend. "Hey, it's time to explain some shit, Jay Jo. You better be fast. I don't know how long I can keep Shelly in the car," she warned him.

But it was too late. Shelly stepped in front of them, looking at Jay with murderous intent. "Too late," Shelly hissed, about to grab the boy until Azadeh shot her a warning glance, causing the blonde to growl. "Explain," she commanded Jay again, who jumped up from the bench. "S-So! A-About that..." he tried again, only to falter. Without letting him continue, she stood up from the bench and leaned toward him. "Yes? Could you please go on?" she commanded, making him flinch.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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