chapter 2

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Ai sat on one end of the thick piece of glass as a middle age looking man sat on the other end , ai had her head down as the man stared her down.

After what felt like an hour but was just a couple of seconds the man spoke .

"I never expected this from you Jordan" he inhaled "how could you do this to yourself".

Ai raised her head and looked directly into the man's eyes while keeping a very calm expression.

"You were one of the best engineers I've ever known you had a bright future ahead of you how could you destroy yourself like this".

As the man spoke the only thing ai could think of was what the fuck is this guy doing here, the lovely gentleman you see before you was ai's colleague who collaborated with her in a lot of her work and invention . Ai's occupation of choice was engineering, apart from killing people building and inventing stuff was the only other thing ai was good at, and as her fine colleague stated earlier she was considered a prodigy in her field, she could make anything from basic house tools to nuclear weapons if she felt like it.

" Jordan are listening, do you have anything to say for yourself".

Oops she had zoned out ai blinked for a few seconds and said

"What do want me to say"

Her colleague looked shocked

"Don't you feel any remorse for the people you've killed and the things you've done".

With no hesitation ai replied with a simple no.

The room was quiet for bit before ai spoke up.

"If you have nothing else to say you can leave , I mean seriously why are you even here it's not like we were friends or anything".

Her colleague stood up with a disgusted look on his face.

"Your right we aren't friends, I can never be friends with a demon like you".

After saying this he left and ai started cackling like a madman seriously what did this dude come here for she couldn't understand, unknown to her the colleague she was laughing at had considered her a dear friend and may or may not have harboured feelings for her some point but our dear ai didn't know this and had just generally branded the man a fool.

On the last day of ai's life here on earth a priest was called to give her, her last prayers as a Christian according to the priest even if she was a serial killer she still deserved those prayers so that who knows the lord might forgive her and her soul will find eternal peace. Yeah right she probably has a special place in hell maybe as one of the devil's upper demons there was no hope for her now.

Later that night she received an expected visitor Alice, ai knew that Alice would show up eventually, she was good at reading people that's what made her a good killer. Ai sat there staring at Alice through the glass as she picked up the phone.

"Long time no see ai" Alice said wearing a small smile on her face

"Yes it has been quite awhile" ai agreed.

It been exactly one month since she's seen Alice her detention period plus her trial. the reason it's been so long was that since ai was imprisoned Alice had never come to visit her once since, ai seriously wanted to kill this bitch .

"Miss hart why are you here" ai was not in the mood for silly pleasantries.

"Always been straight to the point haven't you" Alice chuckled a bit "well I'm here to tell you goodbye, i would say it was nice meeting you but really it wasn't" she paused and took a deep breath "everyday living with you was like a nightmare I was always afraid that maybe one day you would change your mind and kill me, I was scared of you".

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