chapter 11

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yo yo I'm back bitches sorry for being gone so long my life recently took a huge turn and I've been dealing with that but I'm back and as cringe as ever thank you to the 400 and something people who probably got brain rot just from reading this story I promise your sacrifice won't be forgotten.

I'm writing this on my phone and not on my laptop cause I have a 20 pages assignment due on Monday and i have written nothing on it, whenever I try to write this story my brain immediately goes you have a paper due this week and you're writing Wattpad stories this is how failure starts and I immediately shutdown my laptop, lay on my bed and wonder what IS the meaning of life. Anyway enjoy the story my dear readers and thank you for picking up this book ;).


      After the whole breakfast drama I was transferred to the little brats quarters and after settling in I went to see her in her room.

  "Your grace can I come in" I asked standing outside the open door I  looked inside to see her having a tea party with her dolls, I never understood the concept of those imaginary tea parties honestly, granted I was a weird kid I mean not many kids dissected small animals for fun.

"Oh your here" she stood up from her sit and walked up to me smiling good "now we can talk about the Noble I will like to get rid of, please have a sit" she gestured to one of her tea party chairs while going to sit down herself.

I nodded and sat down, "so tell me all about this Noble" I said folding my legs together to conserve space.

She smiled "well his name is Lord Nicole lancent his one of the big supporters that want my Uncle allura to be the next king instead of my father" she said pouring me her imaginary tea.

"Uncle allura who's that" I asked eyeing the empty cup I hope she's not expecting me to fake drink it, your royalty why are we drinking fake tea.

"Oh sorry i keep forgetting your not Anna, uncle allura is the prince second to my father, he has a face that can sway any woman" she picked up her cup and looked at me to do the same I grumbled seriously this kid "I hope that won't be a problem".

So the second prince huh the guy who always winks at me whenever his family is humiliating me and what's with the face that can sway any woman thing, that guy has the face of someone that would cheat on you with anything that doesn't have a dick that passes him by. "That won't be a problem I have no interest in romantic feelings right now" .

She smiled "oh good" she fake sipped her tea girl I can't even with you .

"Sooooo when am I killing this guy and where should I find him" I asked still holding my empty tea cup I'm not going fake sip my tea.

"Well he's usually comes here with his daughter that he thinks my uncle will marry by the way every weekend, he always sends his daughter to my uncle's room while he stays alone in their guest I will use my powers to guide you to the West wing of the palace I will also give you a layout of the palace structure so you can learn for future purposes.

"Future purposes" I asked.

"Yes I still have a few nobles I would like to get rid of in order to secure my father's spot as the next king of the kingdom, so look forwards to killing lots of people for me" she giggled.

This is a very scary little girl but it's kind of refreshing, for once someone isn't afraid of me and is willing to take part in my dirty deeds granted if I ever get caught she's going to throw me under the bus so I will make sure I learn everything I can about this new world so that I can be independent even after she achieves her goal and doesn't need me anymore.

          So the weekend finally arrived and the little brat had me study every inch of the palace which I was grateful for this it will make killing people easier, I told the brat that it would be better for me to mix in some of my own kills too cause, if only political rivals starts disappearing they will know a human is involved and they will start suspecting her father since it's his political rivals we are eliminating I'm sure no one will think to accuse the 8 year old and her whore maid so the best option would be her father and thankfully she agreed with me so the schedule now is three Nobles and two unimportant people.

But today Is all about killing Lord Nicole thanks to the brats help I was able to successfully sneak into his room but leave it to that idiot to not tell me that Lord Nicole was not like Lord Vincent and is able to throw hands I mean his not as good as me but he caught me off guard with him immediately sensing me as soon as I neared him but in the end I was able to subdue him while reducing the noise to a minimum and we now at my favorite part the part where I get to eat them. I sank my teeth into his laps haaaaaa sweet glorious human meat I still wish I could carry some back with me but I can't leave any trace leading to me too much of a risk I just have to eat as much as can now.

As I washed my face in the lake located within the garden I can't be seen with bloody lips I heard footsteps behind me and I was immediately on guard but I didn't really do anything did someone see me leave Lord Nicole's room were they here to kill me arrest me no if it was an arrest they would have said something by now. As I felt a hand reach for me i turned around grabbing the hand and throwing my entire body weight on them pining them to the floor, only for me to realize who I was on after I had calmed down.



So heavily unedited expect more than your usual amount of grammar and spelling errors😉.

Oh and Happy New month.

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⏰ Last updated: 21 hours ago ⏰

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