chapter 4

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     When Ai woke up again she was back in the shabby looking room, she sat up from the bed feeling like she's carrying a truck load of cement on her head she took deep breaths to try and calm the pain on her head after a little to bit she decided to try and make an analysis of her situation . She had died in her body and had woken up in this body but how was that possible and where was owner of the current body she's in now, as ai was still trying to connect the dots a small knock could be heard followed by the turning of a door knob the door opened to reveal a very lavish looking young man that seemed to be in his early twenties with golden sun kissed hair and very vibrant blue eyes which looked ai up and down with a concerned expression. The man folded his arms and sighed.

"Anna stop this nonsense now please you can't keep behaving like this to get my attention" his hands dropped to the side as he walked up to the side of the bed and sat down, " I know you're upset but just be patient with me once I emerse enough power through princess sharlia I promise to make you my concubine, so please no more jumping into lakes and trying to kill the other maids" he grabbed ai's hand and gave it a gentle kiss "okay" he looked at ai with almost threatening eyes ai simply nodded, thanks to whoever this buffon is she finally understood her situation. The man let go ai's hand and stood up "alright get some rest I will ask the head maid to relieve you of your duties for a while" the golden haired man walked towards the door and opened it he looked back at ai as he left and muttered an I love you, ai simply nodded again she didn't know what to say and saying I love you too wasn't an option.

         After the man left ai finally put all the pieces together, thanks to the wonderful exposition that has been dropped by everyone since she came here she was able to make a hypothesis of what her situation is. First things first she was no more in the 21th century the man who came in here earlier and the structure of the kitchen confirmed that, ai stood up from the bed and went toward the standing mirror at the other side of the room to get a full body look of herself. Yep this definitely was not her body, her soul must have somehow been transferred into this person's body the person looking back at her in the mirror looked young maybe 16 or 17 years old that guy earlier called her Anna so that must be this person's name , but how did she end up transferring here ai had one hypothesis that made a bit of sense maybe  she and  this person died at the same time and maybe they switched places like in movies but the only problem was that ai's body was roosted so in all likely hood this person is dead or that's what she thought anyway, the man earlier must be the prince that everyone is  talking about he probably promised to marry Anna only for him to marry another individual named sharlia and Anna probably tried to commit suicide when she found out. Ai let out a sigh another stupid slave of love, but to be honest how did this Anna person think it would've worked out she's a maid and he is a prince obviously the king and queen of this kingdom would not allow their son to marry a commoner, even in the 21th century their people like that it's now in a place that has medieval aura radiating off it ai was surprised that they even let the girl off easy.

      After she finally had a grasped of what her situation is and felt a little bit relieved, well there was no point in dwelling in someone else's problem and past she thought, what's most important is her own future and she still had to figure out how to continue her life here she couldn't make any rash decision because she didn't know how this place operated so for now she'd observe.


But she really felt like treating herself maybe welcoming herself into this new world by making her first kill but that would be unwise, ai sighed well since she had the rest of the day off she would use this opportunity to explore and maybe try and master the layout of this place the sooner she can get a grasped on things the sooner she can kill someone.......


Thank you for reading this chapter  just want to point out that I'm not a professional or anywhere near a good writer so I really appreciate those who stick around with all my grammar errors and everything so thank you and see you in the next chapter ;).

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