2. Rainy Revelations

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After letting Mr. Graham know I was done, I grabbed my backpack and left the building. While mentally preparing for my long walk home, I didn't even notice that it was raining until I got fully outside the shelter. It was bucketing down, and I had no other option than to make a run for the bus stop. I tried to walk to and from college as much as possible, but this was an acceptance.

Feeling the rain drenching me made me grateful I was a few minutes away from the bus stop. When I got there, I had to wait only a couple of seconds before the bus pulled up. I got on and paid for my ticket, finding the nearest seat to relax. Leaning my head back and closing my eyes, I felt instantly better. The stress of the day was catching up with me.

Taking the bus was always a better experience. I usually had to walk an hour to college, sometimes more. The closest bus stop to my house was 5 to 10 minutes away, so I shouldn't have been in the rain for too long. I try to save money here and there, especially when I don't work full-time or part-time and only get shifts rarely.

Since moving out of home, life has been a lot harder, but I thought it was time. My parents were older and needed their own space, and considering I'm in college now, I thought it would be a good time. Luckily, I moved in with my older sister, who was looking for a roommate since rent went up, so it could be a lot worse.

We share most of the living expenses equally when possible. Natalie split everything half and half with her last roommate, but he moved out once engaged. However, she works full time so she can save money and go out with friends while I can barely cover the other half.

Sometimes, though, I find it hard to pay my half. My sister is good about it, but I feel guilty that I can't pay. My work is all over the place, and I barely make enough when I do work. I'm only a casual worker, so getting shifts is a rarity.

The only upside to my work is that it's a 10-minute walk from the house, which is great because I still need to buy a car. I have my Ps because I learnt in my mum's car, but when I moved out, I decided I didn't need one because college and work were so close.

Getting shaken out of my thoughts, I heard a loud squeak of the bus coming to a stop. Looking out the window, I realised it was my stop, so I quickly shot up from my seat and headed to the door. Giving the driver a smile and thanking him, I walked down the few steps. I didn't know that driver; he must be a new one.

Looking up at the sky, the clouds have cleared a little, and there is much less rain. "How lonely", I thought. I'm glad I don't have to walk in the pouring rain. I love the rain, don't get me wrong, I just hate getting wet by it when I'm not ready.

Speaking of which, not even 2 minutes in, some dickheads drove through a puddle next to me and completely socked me in water. "Fuck you" I yelled as loud as I could. I could hear them laugh as they drove away. "What was even the point of catching the bus?" I said aloud.

Great, I still had around 5 minutes lets off my damn walk home, and I was completely drenched. I just hoped my backpack didn't leak through. I have some sketchbooks in there that would be devastated if I got wet.

When I finally made it to the driveway, I walked to the front door feeling super grumpy and pissed off. For starters, I was covered in dirty water and wasted money on a bus ticket to get wet anyway with much water.

I put my red house key in the door and pushed it open, kicking my shoes off and putting them in their designated spot. I looked around for my sister but didn't see her. I called out to my sister, "I'm home," but got no answer. Of course, she's not home; she never is. She's such a party animal; it's only 5:00pm, and she's already out. I bet she's gone to a party or something similar.

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