3. Eyes of Emerald confrontation

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Turning around to see who could want to sit with me, I made eye contact with a pair of emerald forest green eyes. Great, Zack was the last person I wanted to see right now, especially since I was sort of in the middle of getting a job promotion. And I didn't need to talk to him to know he was about to fuck it up.

"What do you want?" was all I said, his presence immediately irritated me, and I showed it through my tone, which I didn't care about in the slightest.

I watched as he approached the table from behind Ethan without saying a word or breaking eye contact. He took long strides, and in a matter of seconds, he disappeared behind me, snacking around my chair. I couldn't see him anymore, but I could feel his disturbing presence. Poor Ethan just tilted his head at Zack's actions, not understanding what was going on.

I could feel his eyes burning holes in the back of my head. I jumped slightly as his hand pressed firmly against the nape of my neck, sending shivers down my spine. I could feel the weight of his touch. I can only assume trying to intimidate me. I tilted my head back until I made eye contact with him again. His deep, viperous eyes glared down at me with such hatred.

While starting back, I made sure to show no fear even though I felt my heart rate skyrocket. Feeling like I needed to repeat myself from earlier, I said," Well, Zack, what do you want" with a sharp bite of my tongue to stop from stuttering. Why would I be shuddering "what the fuck" I thought.

"Ohhhh~ I don't want anything in particular he said, emphasising the P", his eyes possessing the opposite. His voice almost made me tremble. I had no idea what he was going on about, and I could now see the concern lasted all over Ethan's face; the poor guy didn't have a clue, and to be fair, neither did I.

Before I could say anything, I heard Ethan say, "And who must this be?" He looked pretty calm, but I could tell that he was beginning to get pissed off. I have seen this hundreds of times with customers at work; however, this wasn't work, and he didn't have to stay composed, but I assume it's trained into him.

I started blankly at Ethan, unable to come up with who he was; yeah, his name is Zack, but that's all I know. I met him yesterday, and he's been giving me constant grief since.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I felt Zack lean closer to my back, his chin resting on my shoulder and his hand still on my neck, slightly gripping tighter. His proximity was suffocating, and he was way too close to my damn ear. I could feel him breathing. With every breath, the tension between us seemed to thicken. And I think Ethan was starting to notice. Along with that, Ethan's question was ignored, and we sat in silence for a few more seconds.

As he leant even closer, his lip brushed against my ear, carrying the faint scent of danger with it. His grip tightened even further to the point that I was begging to lose air even though his hold was at the back, and I began to get more scared.

"I'm Alex's really good friend, we have art together," he said with all seriousness, his grip on my neck tightening. His tone of voice, though unconvincing, carried a menacing undertone.

Sensing the panic, I was suppressing, Ethan's voice cut through the tension, "Well, Zack, I believe it's time for you to go"." His disregard for rudeness in this moment was a stark contrast to his usual demeanour, a clear sign of the discomfort in the room.

As I looked back up at Zack, I could see the challenge in his eyes. He was no longer looking at me but at Ethan. "Now, what makes you think I'm going to do that? You see, Alex, I will do whatever I want. He's got no fight in him unless his boyfriend wants to help," he said with a chuckle.

I felt my heart sink. I wasn't that much of a push. I was confused by this because there wasn't any time that I had done what he wanted, and I don't know what gave him that idea. He was just some asshole with shit assumptions.

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