6. Threats and Fear

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The sound of birds chirping gently woke me up. Golden sunlight streamed through my window, casting a warm glow across the room. As I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, I noticed something strange. The feeling of a cold breeze made me want to curl back under my sheets. Looking up at my ceiling fan, I realised it wasn't even on. " Where is this breeze coming from?" I cut myself off by looking over to my window.

I distinctly remember closing the blinds tightly before bed, yet now they were wide open, allowing the morning sun to pour in. The window cracked just enough for the cold, windy air to pour in.

Confused, I removed the covers and shuffled to the window, still wrapped in my blanket. The fresh morning air hit me, and I realised the window was also open, not just ajar. How could that be? I was sure I had locked it last night.

As I started to puzzle over the mystery, my phone buzzed on the nightstand, interrupting my thoughts. The persistent vibration pulled me back to reality, and I reluctantly turned away from the open window to grab my phone, eager to see who was calling so early.

I picked up my phone to see that Ethan was calling me. "Oh, great. He probably needs me to work," I thought. I was hoping to relax today, so I quickly texted him back.

Alex: Hey Ethan, how are you? Sorry, I missed your call!

Ethan: No problem! Are you free today?

Alex: Yeah, I'm free. What's up?

Ethan: I was calling to see if you wanted to hang out. I don't have work today, and I wondering if we can catch up. Sorry if it's short notice or if I'm overstepping.

Alex: That sounds great! I could use some company. How about you come over around lunchtime?

Ethan: Awesome. I'll be there! What time works best for you?

Alex: Let's say around 12:30. We can grab lunch and chill.

Ethan: Perfect. See you then!

I put my phone down, feeling a mix of relief and excitement. It was rare that I had free time to just hang out with friends, and the thought of spending the day with Ethan brought a smile to my face. I glanced around my room, mentally noting a few things to tidy before he arrived. As I moved to get ready for the day, I couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation. It was going to be a good day.

Putting my phone down, I felt a genuine surge of excitement. I couldn't remember the last time I hung out with someone, so spending the day with Ethan sounded like what I needed.

It was around 9 a.m., giving me a few hours before he arrived. I decided to make pancakes for breakfast, a rare treat. Heading downstairs to the kitchen, I gathered all the ingredients. I started mixing the batter with some upbeat music playing in the background.

My sister was already out, probably running errands or meeting friends, leaving me with the house. It made me realize how much I needed to expand my social circle.

As I was lost in these thoughts, the sudden buzz of my phone on the kitchen table snapped me back to reality. I picked it up and saw a message from an unknown number. Curiosity got the better of me, and I opened it.

Unknown: Lock your window tonight, pup. You made that too easy.

A cold shiver ran down my spine. The message was cryptic and unnerving, its implications clear. My mind raced, replaying the events of the previous night. Had someone been watching me?

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