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Felix peered out the window, observing the bustling activity on the streets outside with a keen eye. The bus journey progressed smoothly, each passing moment bathed in the warm embrace of the sun's golden rays, instilling a sense of optimism in the surroundings.

Seated beside him, Jisung was deeply immersed in the rhythm of his music, his head nodding in sync with the beats pulsating through his earphones. Despite being able to practically discern the melody himself, Felix couldn't help but offer a fond smile to his best friend, appreciating his infectious enthusiasm.

Their destination loomed on the horizon: Jeongin's much-anticipated graduation ceremony, the culmination of five years of relentless dedication. With Seungmin likely already in attendance, eagerly awaiting Jeongin's triumphant moment, the air buzzed with anticipation.

As the bus drew closer to the venue, Felix's excitement bubbled to the surface, his imagination painting vivid pictures of Jeongin's beaming smile as he crossed the stage to claim his diploma, a testament to his perseverance and hard work. The mere thought of it ignited a warm glow within Felix's chest, filling him with pride.

With a subtle nudge, Felix motioned for Jisung to momentarily disconnect from his musical reverie, eager to share the impending moment of celebration with his friend. Jisung blinked, momentarily disoriented, before catching onto Felix's infectious excitement, a wide grin spreading across his face.

Together, they disembarked from the bus, their steps infused with purpose as they made their way towards the venue, brimming with anticipation for the joyous occasion that awaited them and their dear friend Jeongin

As they stepped into the bustling atmosphere of the venue, Felix and Jisung scanned the crowd, their eyes searching for familiar faces. Spotting Seungmin's enthusiastic wave, they made their way through the throng of people, exchanging warm hugs and heartfelt greetings.

Seungmin's eyes lit up with delight as he caught sight of Felix and Jisung. "Hey, guys. I'm glad you could make it," he said, his voice filled with genuine appreciation.

"We wouldn't have missed it for the world," Felix replied, a warm smile gracing his lips as he exchanged, knowing glances with his companions.

Seungmin nodded gratefully. "I've saved seats for us near the front," he informed them, leading the way through the bustling crowd towards their designated area.

As they settled into their seats, Felix felt a surge of pride and happiness wash over him, the air around them tinged with excitement and anticipation as the ceremony prepared to unfold.

Suddenly, the strains of music softened, and a hush fell over the crowd as the graduates began to make their entrance, clad in their regal caps and gowns. Felix's heart swelled with pride as he caught sight of Jeongin among them, his radiant smile lighting up the room.

Throughout the ceremony, Felix couldn't contain his infectious grin, cheering loudly as Jeongin's name was called to receive his hard-earned diploma. Exchanging excited glances with Jisung and Seungmin, Felix felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for their unwavering friendship and the countless cherished moments they had shared together.

After the ceremony concluded, they joined the jubilant crowd outside, congratulating Jeongin and capturing precious moments with photographs to commemorate the special day.

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