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Felix had always excelled at multitasking, seamlessly managing multiple tasks at once. However, even he faced challenges occasionally, like this very moment.

While preparing coffee orders for his customers, he had to listen to Hyunjin's incessant chatter, which had been going on since Hyunjin arrived an hour ago.

Hyunjin confided in Felix because he knew Felix wouldn't judge or criticize him. This had been true even when they were dating; Hyunjin had always been open with Felix about everything.

"Hyunjin, please," Seungmin said, leaning against the counter. "Stop talking and let us work."

"I'm a customer too," Hyunjin huffed. "I pay for your food and just want someone to listen. Is that too much to ask?"

"I'd pay for him to leave," Jisung muttered, causing Felix to stifle a giggle.

Hyunjin looked at Felix, feeling betrayed. "They're teasing me, and you're laughing with them, Lixie!"

"It's not like that, Jinnie..."

"You know what the problem is?" Jisung intercepted. "I think you're just lonely, Hyunjin."

"Wow, no sugarcoating," Hyunjin scoffed. "So you think I talk to Felix so much because I miss having a boyfriend or something?"

"Yeah, pretty much like that," Jisung replied.

"Hannie!" Felix scolded him for being so blunt.

Felix placed the final order on the counter and sighed, wiping his brow. He turned to Hyunjin with a soft smile, the kind that always melted any tension between them.

"Hyunjin, why don't you take a seat over there?" Felix suggested gently. "I'll bring you a hot cocoa on the house, and we can talk when things slow down a bit, okay?"

Hyunjin looked slightly mollified and nodded, taking a seat at the corner table where he could still see Felix. Seungmin and Jisung exchanged glances, relieved to have a momentary reprieve.

As the rush hour settled and the café grew quieter, Felix finally had a chance to breathe. He made a hot cocoa for Hyunjin, adding an extra touch of cinnamon, just how he knew Hyunjin liked it. Carrying the cup over, he sat across from Hyunjin, who seemed to have calmed down a bit.

"Alright, Jinnie, what's really bothering you?" Felix asked, his voice full of genuine concern.

Hyunjin sighed, staring into his coffee. "I guess Jisung wasn't entirely wrong," he admitted reluctantly. "I've been feeling really lonely lately. It's not just about missing a boyfriend... it's about missing connection, you know?"

Felix nodded, understanding. "It's tough, especially when it feels like everyone else is moving on and you're stuck in the same place."

Hyunjin looked up, his eyes misty. "It's just... you and I, we had something real. And since then, nothing's felt the same. I'm scared I won't find that connection again."

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