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Felix adjusted his apron nervously, the scent of freshly baked pastries enveloping him like a comforting hug. Today was a big day for him and his small bakery. He had landed a catering gig for a prestigious law firm thanks to Chan, and his heart fluttered with a mix of excitement and apprehension.

As he packed the final trays of delicate éclairs and fluffy cupcakes into a van, his friends and trusted helpers, Seungmin and Jisung, arrived to lend a hand.

Seungmin, with his meticulous attention to detail, carefully inspected each pastry for perfection, while Jisung, the perpetual optimist, kept the atmosphere light with his infectious laughter.

"Hey Felix, you nervous?" Jisung teased gently, adjusting his own apron adorned with colorful cartoon characters.

Felix chuckled nervously, wiping his forehead. "A bit, yeah. But I'm also excited. This is a big opportunity for us."

Seungmin nodded in agreement. "Everything looks impeccable, Felix. You've outdone yourself."

With the van loaded and everything double-checked, they set off for the law firm. Upon arrival, Felix was immediately struck by the imposing architecture of the building. Tall glass windows reflected the morning sun, making the place seem almost ethereal.

Inside, they were greeted by a receptionist who directed them to the event hall on the top floor. As they maneuvered through the corridors, Felix couldn't help but steal glances at the framed accolades and diplomas lining the walls. This was a place of seriousness and prestige, starkly different from his cozy bakery.

In the event hall, they set up their display amidst a buzz of activity. Lawyers in sharp suits and assistants bustling with last-minute preparations filled the room. Felix adjusted the tablecloth one last time, arranging the pastries with meticulous care. Each éclair and cupcake was a testament to his passion for baking.

"You're doing great, Felix," Seungmin reassured him, giving a thumbs-up. "Everything looks absolutely perfect."

Felix nodded, but his nerves were on edge. He knew Chan would be here tonight, and despite their growing friendship, he couldn't shake the butterflies in his stomach whenever he thought about him.

"Hey, Felix, relax," Jisung chimed in, noticing his friend's anxious expression. "Chan requested us to have your desserts here tonight. He clearly believes in you."

Felix managed a weak smile, grateful for his friends' encouragement. "Thanks, guys. I just... I want everything to go smoothly."

Before either could respond, a commotion at the entrance drew their attention. Chan entered the room. He was impeccably dressed in a tailored suit, a hint of a smile on his lips as he greeted guests and directed them to their seats.

Felix's heart skipped a beat at the sight of Chan. Despite their growing closeness, Felix found himself tongue-tied whenever he was around him. Chan had a way of making him feel both nervous and exhilarated, a combination Felix hadn't experienced in a long time.

Chan noticed Felix and made his way over, a warm smile spreading across his face. "Felix, everything looks incredible," he said sincerely, glancing over the array of desserts. "Thank you so much for being a part of this evening."

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