Ch 20. Last Kiss (Pt. 1)

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Last Kiss (Part 1)


This chapter is so short and I'm so sorry. I couldn't give out too much.

Oh and sorry for the horrible description of the fight. Hope you like it!!!!

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Alex's P.O.V

The gun flew from her hands and hit the floor. The gun shot hit just a few inches away from my head. "You are so getting it." I jumped up but she jumped on me and we fell on the ground.

She was on top of me, quickly she made her way towards the gun. I grabbed her leg and pulled her back.

I jumped up and ran to get the gun but she jumped on my back and I fell again.

"Why can't you just give up?!" She screamed at me.

"You should be the one giving up not me! He doesn't like you. Why you just understand?" I told her.

"I dont care, I'll make him like me." She growled at me.

I saw a phone book on the side table and got an idea. I dont have another option I thought. Quickly I grabbed the book and her on her head. I didn't hit her that hard but enough to make her pass off. Well...maybe I did hit her hard. "What have I done? but you did try to shoot me...I guess we're even now." Ok now first thing I need to do is stop talking to myself. Second is to find the keys.

I bended down and checked her pockets. Nothing. She didn't have the key. I ran outside and started looking for the guys but they weren't anywhere to be found. "Wesley! Alexis! Drew where are you guys?!" My heart started beating really fast. I ran to Hannah's car and started looking for the keys. I checked the small compartments and everywhere a key could be hidden.

Keaton's P.O.V

Not even the ropes around me could keep me still, I was worried that Alex might have gotten hurt.

I heard somebody grabbed the door handle and unlocked the door.

I didn't look up, if it was Hannah I would be heartbroken.

"Keaton.." Said a sweet familiar voice.

I looked up to see Alex standing by the door. I gave her a smile.

She smiled back at me and ran towards me.

Wesley's P.O.V

"Turn around!" Drew said as he started dragging himself towards me. "I'm going to try to untie the rope."

I turned around and soon he started to try to untie the rope. It a few minutes but then he untied it.

"Hurry up we have to go find Alexis." He said. "and go help Alex and Keaton."

It also took me a few minuted to untie the rope. Then we untied our feet and ran to the direction Hannah had taken Alexis.

We found her tied up by a tree in the side of the house. Drew quickly untied her. She hugged him tightly and thanked him.

"C'mon let's go." I said. We all started running to the house.

Hannah was getting to shoot Keaton.

Me and Drew grabbed her... I just hope he had stopped her in time.

Alex's P.O.V

I smiled back at him and ran towards him. I wrapped my arms around him tightly, not letting go of him. Eventually I did have to let go of him.

"Did Hannah get-" He started to say but I cut him off.

"No," I tried to untie the rope on his legs and arms but the rope was too tight."she's unconscious ..I think." I stood up and started looking for something to cut the rope. Lucky after looking for what seemed forever I found a blade in the drawers.

"Where are the guys and Alexis?" Keaton asked.

I turned around and started walking towards him. "I don't know," I started to say. "I just hope they're ok." I cut the rope on his arms.

"Don't move." I heard a voice say.

Keaton's eyed grew big. His eyes where filled with terror.

"Turn around," She said. She was furious. "now!" She still had the gun in her hands and pointing at me. "Walk away from him and drop the blade."

I stood up with the blade tightly held I'm my hands. I opened my hand and dropped it. Slowly I walked away from him.

"If I can't have him no one can't." She said, she pointed the gun at Keaton.

Suddenly the guys ran in and grabbed her but it was too late. I was too late too. I ran to Keaton's side and kneeled next to him.

He grabbed the side of his chest and cried out in pain.

I grabbed his arms and pulled them back. The bullet had hit him close to the heart. Tears started forming in my eyes. "This it all my fault. I'm sorry Keaton."

He lifted his hand and gently dried the tears on my eyes. "Don't blame yourself." His face was twisted in pain.

I lifted my hand and pushed his hair back. His green eyes where still sparkling.

He moved his hand to the back of my neck and pulled me close to him. His solft lips touched mine, I pulled away after a few seconds.

"I love you." I told him, more tears started forming in my eyes. I was about to breakdown badly.

His lips formed into a sweet smile, "I love you more." He leaned in closer and kissed me gently. He pulled away.

That was our last kiss.......

Keaton Stromberg forever the name on my lips.


I'll post the second pt on Tuesday ...or should I post it tomorrow???

the next chapter will be sadder!

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