And then you came

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The first two dates went ok. The first was Liam. He is a lovely boy, and handsome, but I didn't feel anything deeper.. We chat a little about hobbies, family.. life outside the villa.. In the end I think we will be good friends..

I had the second date with Jake.. I had fun with him and he made me laugh, but I also didn't feel anything beyond that.. He and Liberty are so cute together that even if I liked Jake, I wouldn't come between them..

And I have to mention that they are both shitty cooks..

After my date with Jake, Lucinda and I sat down at the table with Millie..

"So grlies how were your dates?"
I turned to Millie so she could go first
"Well, it went well with Aaron, although I can't see anything more than friendship there.. But Liam "..she made a chief kiss with her hand. I smiled and asked her, "So it went great?"

"More than great, he is beautiful and handsome and has a way with words... I felt special and we flirted a lot"
"I'm so happy for you" I gave her a hug and a huge smile, she hugged me back and asked how my dates went.

"They're both lovely guys, but there's nothing there," I shrugged
"I'm putting all my hopes in Toby now" we laughed and turned to Luc..

"Hugo is a lovely boy and we had a pleasant chat, but Brad, my God.. he hypnotized me with his eyes," we squealed quietly.

" Well, I'm happy for you.. I have to admit that I feel Toby the most and if this turns out to be a terrible date, then there's officially no one here I can see myself with"

Lucinda grabbed my hand and squeezed gently "You'll see, he'll knock you off your feet."

I laughed a little "Yeah, he seems like the guy I would get along with the most, and he is very nice. We had a chat and he gives off a cheeky vibe, I like that in a guy"

We heard commotion in the kitchen and that's a sign that it's time for a last date. I hope that me and Toby will click and I hope that he feels the same for me as I do for him.. He gives me a strange feeling in my stomach, like butterflies..

I went back to my table as Toby approached me. He was carrying two bowls.. Strawberries in one and melted chocolate in the other.
"Hey darling, you look beautiful" he smiled at me and hugged me and kissed my cheek.

He smells wonderful, I could pass out right away.. I gave him a hug and a kiss "hey handsome, thank you very much and you look beautiful too"
He pulled out a chair for me, which I liked, gentleman..
"Thank you, you are also a gentleman" I smiled sweetly at him..
He wore a smug smile on his face" Yes, a real gentleman, that's me"

I took a sip of wine from the glass and looked at the bowls, "What did you prepare for dessert?"
He looked at me, he seemed a little nervous, so I smiled
"Nothing special, strawberries and melted chocolate... I'm not a very good cook so..."

"That's fine, I'm not here for the food but for the company"

" So, tell me something about yourself, who is Angelina?

I looked at him and started "Well, I'm a make-up artist, I live in Essex as you already know. I'm a very energetic person, I can't stay in one place for long, I always have to be active. I'm very social and one of the loudest in a crowd.. "

I thought I had started talking a lot about myself, so I stopped and turned the conversation to him
"Enough about me for now, tell me something about yourself"

"As you know I'm Toby" I laughed at that. He laughed too
"There's not much to say. I'm also an energetic person, loud... I'm a soccer player."
"What club do you play for?"
"semi-professional football team Hashtag United FC"

We talked a little more about us, what we like, what we don't like, our familys..

Toby kept strong eye contact.. I felt like he was looking into my soul.. It was intense.. Yes, there is definitely something between us.. sexual chemistry, mutual attraction and we are very similar to each other.. I can for sure say that I like Toby..and I think he feels the same.

I am very interested in his situation in the villa.. As far as I know he is coupled up with Kaz.

"Tell me, you're coupled up with Kaz? How's it going?"
He took a big breath "Yes, I am, she is a very nice girl and we get along well..but.."
"But I think that's it..I don't feel the chemistry between us, it doesn't feel right"

I looked into his eyes "Does she know that you feel that way?". He broke eye contact "Yeah, she the last couple of days I've started getting to know Cloe". That surprised me, "Really, how is it going?"

He started laughing, I looked at him in wonder "What's so funny?" now I'm laughing with him too..

" This situation is funny.. It was going well with Cloe and then you came in.." My eyes widened " Me, what did I do?"

He leaned over the table and whispered "You made my head spin, with those big beautiful eyes and that mesmerizing smile"

Ok, now my head is spinning. I blushed, hard.. I regained control over my thoughts and smiled seductively, "So I only brought you trouble?" he cursed under his breath "Fuck, I love trouble, it makes my heart beat harder, you know, it pumps"

Angel Beach Hut

Ok, it's getting hot in here.. Yes, I definitely feel toby, one hundred percent.. and I'm pretty sure he feels me too.. he's going to give me big headaches I can see it.. I don't know how I'm going to play this, There's Kaz and Cloe.. This Toby is a popular boy

Toby Beach Hut

Ou my head is spinning one hundred percent..Angel is a perfect girl and I would be crazy if I just let her go..Yes, I will definitely get to know her I would be crazy if I don't

Sooo that's it..
Toby and Angelina feel each other..

I don't know how I'm going to play this all with Aby and Casa amor..and Cloe.. I'll figure it out as I go

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love to you all ❤️❤️

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