Chapter 2

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I have just seen Isabella, and she looks to be healing. She is pale and thinner, but other than that, she is fine. My brother sent me to Brockton to fetch her back to him and Castle Leoch. However, the general in charge has tak'n a liking to her ,ye ke. Not like that, his wife likes her.

What I am trying to say is that she did not come back with us. She stayed. They believe that you forced her to marry. So she would be endangered if she was returned to us. Even after I showed them the paper od annulment and said that the groom had left with you. Isabella was very quiet around me and Willie. She had me include a letter for Claire and you when I sent this one.

Just know that she is safe for now and that I will keep my men on her and if anything changes, we will make sure that she is safe.

Dougal MacKenzie

Jamie finishes reading the letter that they got two days ago, out loud for Claire and Murtagh to hear, "Here," he hands a letter to Claire, "Why would she stay with the British?"

"Maybe she thinks that Clan MacKenzie can't protect her," Murtagh throws himself down into the expensive couch, "Both times that something happened was because she was left with Dougal's men."

"Dear Claire,

I am writing to let you know that I will be staying with the Brigadier General Lord Thomas and his wife. They have offered to take me on as their ward. I can not return to Castle Leoch. I believe that if I leave with Dougal MacKenzie that I would never make it back to the castle. As you know he has more than once stated that he would take me as his wife if he could."

Claire stops reading.

"Dougal never said such things. If he had, I would have craiceann beò e (skinned him alive)."

"Maybe she was being watched as she wrote this," Murtagh offers.

"For that reason, I can not return, as well as the rumors going about of Jacobites trying to turn the different clans against our King. I will not be a part of that, and I fear that if Lord MacKenzie ever did change his mind, or if he was replaced, I would not make it back to you. I can only pray that you and your husband will not fall away and turn to the Jacobite cause.

I have sent a letter to the lovely lady near Lallybroch who housed me for a bite and asked her to send my things.

With love,
Your sister Isabella

P.S. Please send word when my niece or nephew arrives."

"Why would she write to Jenny? Isabella never leaves her things behind."

"She is trying to tell us something."

Ringing a little bell and servant quickly enters the room, "Are there any other letters that came today," Jamie questions

"Yes, sir, I placed the rest of the mail in the office."

"Is there one from Lallybroch?"

The servant leaves to check before returning with a letter, "It came in this morning."

Dear Claire and Jamie,

I am sorry for having to write like this but I would rather be safe. I hope that Dougal has written to you of me, but if he has not, I am fine. However, I will be living with General Lord Thomas and his wife. At least until you return. This is the safest place for me now. Claire, you and I know what is coming. I do not know where Jamie stands but I can be of some use if he needs it in the future. As well, with being their ward, no one will come after me. Lord Thomas and his wife have not been able to have any children yet and she fears she may be barren. Lady Thomas is very protective of me even though she is close to your age.

I will try to keep in touch this way. If you need to contact me, please address the letter as our family is from France, and me as cousin. Till I hear from you.

Love Isabella.

"I hope the lass knows what she is doing," Murtagh whispers to himself as Jamie comforts Claire.

Four Weeks ago in Brockton

Dougal was to arrive tomorrow and I have made my decision. I know how to protect myself and my family. I get dressed and wrap my shawl around myself before heading downstairs. Lieutenant Foster told me after supper two nights ago that he wanted to take me out for a ride today. As such, he is waiting downstairs for me with Lady Thomas.

"There she is, good morning dear."

"Good morning Lady Thomas. "

"Lieutenant Foster told me that you are going for a ride today."

"Yes, a short one and General Thomas is sending a few men with us," Foster answers.

Lady Thomas wastes no time is sending us out, however, once the door closes behind us, and the noise of the village surrounds us I pause, "Are you felling well," Foster turns and looks me over, "You look pale, maybe we should he-"

"I need to speak with General Thomas and I would like for you to be there as well."

"Of course," he says, leading me into the Inn and up the steps to the room that has been turned into the general's office. He knocks.

An annoyed "Enter" sounds from the other side.

"General," Foster opens the door and guides me in, "Miss Isabella asked to meet with you."

Four other officers are in the room, "Of course," Lord Thomas looks at me, "can this wait till later?"

"it is about the guest we are to have today or tomorrow."

When I don't continue, he can easily tell that something is wrong, "I see, gentlemen, I will speak with you later," he dismisses two of the men, "Isabella, I need these men to be able to be witnesses for what you are to say."

I nod, and Foster leads me over to a seat. "I can't return to Castel Loech. I won't make it there if you let me leave."

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