Chapter 3

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'Why is that?"

"My sister married Red Jamie," his name made all of the officers look at me. They were hanging onto every word, "He went by a different name when we met. He married me off, against my will, to one of his men," I pull my shawl tighter around me. "However, the man did not like that I had no choice and had a contract written to say that we would wait to... fulfill things till I was 21."

"That bloody ba-"

"Captain," General Thomas snaps.

"Forgive me, Miss Isabella.'

"Isabella," Foster kneels down in front of me, "Are you still married to this man?"

I pull out my paperwork from my pocket. How it survived my kidnapping, I will never know, "No, before they left, he gave this to me in secret."

Foster takes it gently, moving to the other men they read over it. They whisper in hushed voices, "Isabella, dear," Lord Thomas approaches me, "This is an Annulment; is what it states true?"

"I thought it just stated that I was not married anymore."

"Did you..." the captain tries to say something.

I know what they are talking about but I can't come out and say it. That would become a problem, "Forgive me, I am not understanding."

Foster, once again, moves closer to me and whispers, "Did you have marital relations with the man who married you?"

I stand up quickly, "How could you ask such a thing," I force tears to my eyes, "I am an honorable young lady. I wou-"

"We had to ask," General Thomas steps in trying to guide me back to my seat, "This paper makes it as if you had never said your vows. If you and your groom had completed... then you would be divorced."

"If that is true," I move towards the fireplace, "then Dougal MacKenzie could take me as his wife. If I was divorced, than as a Cathlic he could not marry me. But with this annulment..."

"Has he said anything to you before?" the last officer adds, "Or made any advaces?"

"Not to directly me; I overheard the men one night when we were collecting the rent," I keep my face to the fire, "They thought that Claire and I were asleep, so they felt safe speaking English. I can not repeat what he said but the message was clear. He also kept a close watch over me as you have all seen.  If he had the choice when the marriages took place, he would have taken me as a wife. Now that he is  widowed..."

"Does Lord MacKenzie know?"

I shake my head, "If you would excuse me, I need some air."

Foster follows me out but does not let me linger too long outside before dropping off back where I am staying.  I spend my day inside with Lady Thomas, stitching and practicing my French with her. Foster joins us for supper that evening, as does Lord Thomas. We all retire to the same sitting room, and he tries to teach me chess as the Lord and Lady do their pastimes. "I am not doing very well."

"You are," Foster disagrees, "For someone on their first try."

"Oh really," I start moving different pieces around the board jokingly. He tries to move the pieces back, but I block his hand, "How about this," I start picking up random pieces of his.

"My Lady, that is called cheating," he laughs as he starts doing the same with my pieces. 

He taps my hand at one point jokingly to stop me, and I gasp, pulling it back like he hurt it, "Ouch."

His smile drops, "I am sorry I did think I would hurt you. Let me see.'

I take this chance to grab his king and queen. Lord Thomas must have been watching as he burst out laughing. Foster looks up to see me holding the pieces, "All is fair in love and war."

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