Chapter nineteen

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I slipped on the dress that Aunt June was lending me for the party. Her daughter was a little younger than me, but apparently nearly the same size. I liked the dress. It made me look curvy, but not fat. It was light green, strapless and had plenty of short layers. I wore a couple of jangly bracelets and wore small hoops in my ears. Mum had already tied my hair back into a long braid.

I walked downstairs wear Mum and Aunt June were stringing short ribbons up on the walls of her vast living room. The room was cosy, with a black and white theme, loads of comfy chairs were placed randomly around the room. There was a fireplace that had a crackling fire in it.

Tammy, June's youngest daughter, was watching her Mother and Aunt do the work with an iPad in her chubby pale hand. She was wearing a tight grey dress and had red lipstick smudged on her thin lips. Her black hair was knotted in a complicated bun. She looked quite good, even if we didn't get on so good. She was slightly more obese than me, with my weight loss. It gave her nothing to bully me about this time, I hoped.

"Hi guys." I announced my presence.

"Honey, you look beautiful." June said. She was wearing a yellow long flowing dress and her hair was loose, her wild hair flying free.

"You do, sweetie." Mum complimented. Mum was wearing a a shimmering black dress with a grey shawl thrown over her shoulders.

"You guys look amazing too," I said. I turned to Tammy. "You especially, Tammy."

She threw me a glare and stared back down at her iPad.

My Mum mouthed 'Thank you'. She'd always wanted me and Tammy to get along. Tammy and Will got on great (because Tammy has a crush on him!)

Just then, Will and Marcie came waltzing in. Will and Marcie are the same age and get on fabulously.

Tammy immediately stood up. "Hey." She blushed furiously.

"Oh, hey Tamz." Will greeted causally, turning his back on her to face Marcie. "Will we we head outside so we can say hi to everyone?"

"Cool!" Marcie smiled. Marcie was really nice (unlike her sister) and we got on okay. She was dressed in a pink vest, black cardigan, jean shorts and pink British Knights.

"That's a great idea." June said as they walked away.

Tammy scowled to herself and sat down heavily on her seat. I tried to hide my laughter.

I decided to follow Will and Marcie out, mainly because I wanted to find out who else was coming. I skipped outside and leaned against the wall. Across from me, Will and Marcie talked quietly.

A small yellow car, a large green one and a tiny black car drove up the drive. First, out of the yellow car, came Grams and Pops. Second, came Uncle Sammy, pregnant Aunt Josie and their kids, Alice, Johnny and Frieda. Lastly, Great Granny Margery and Vivian came out of the black car.

We greeted all of them and walked to the fully decorated living room.

A couple of the chairs had been moved to allow room for a large buffet table, covered in tasty delicacies. My stomach suddenly rumbled. But I couldn't, I had to stay strong. I had to be happy.

I had to.

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