6: A Very Friendly Visit

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So the votings are done and done and the winner is, BOTH. But I changed my mind and decided to not let Eve be with Jon. Jon will still have two girlfriends, don't worry. I decided to let Mark be with Eve. Who's the other girl? You'll have to find out. Now let's get back to the story.
We see Jon and Eve on top of one of the buildings overlooking the city of Chicago. They just got done dealing with Dr. Seismic as Mark was with them to help. Jon just finished his fifth instant ramen with Eve looking at him with surprise.

Eve: "I still can't believe you can eat that much."

Jon: "To tell you the truth, I can eat even more of this."

She flinched in disgust imagining Jon eating a hundred of those ramen. She then turned back to the view as silence took over.

Jon: "Wanna talk about it now?"

Eve: "I would rather forget about it. Let's change the topic. How's Kara doing?"

Jon: "She's fine. Busy with school though and after that, she flies around to patrol the world."

Eve: "Does she really fly around the world? Like what you do?"

Jon: "You'd be surprised at how fast she can fly. We raced around the world once, it was awesome."

Eve: "I see you two are getting close."

Jon: "We have the same personality and maybe because we are the last of our kind."

Jon told Eve if his other half. That he is a Hybrid of two alien races. He told her because he knows he can trust her with this information. He didn't even tell his brother and mother about this as it was still not the right time. Eve just smiled with Jon doing the same. After some time, the two separated ways with Jon going back home and just relaxed inside his room reading a book.

Jon: "This is a nice book."

It was one of his dad's book witht he title of the book called Space Rider.

Jon: "I can't believe someone wields a weapon so powerful."

He then heard someone flying towards him as he turned towards his window and saw Kara in her hero suit.

He then heard someone flying towards him as he turned towards his window and saw Kara in her hero suit

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Kara: "Mind letting me in, Jon."

Jon just shook his head before opening his window. Kara flew in and hugged the Hybrid making Jon laugh.

Jon: "Someone's very giddy today."

Kara: "Just saved a bunch of people on a cruise from a tsunami. I think I did a great job."

Jon: "You're really making a name for yourself huh, Supergirl."

Kara just giggled and used her super speed to changed clothes in an instant. She then sat on Jon's bed as Jon sat on his computer chair.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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