chapter fifty one

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I typed this on my phone because my laptop crashed. So basically, ignore any errors because my notes app doesn't have my grammar checks like my laptop does. 

Chapter 51

Elijah Mikaelson stood over the army of plastic grocery bags from the second store he had attended. After getting home and as realizing they had forgotten almost half of the things they would need for dinner, Elijah decided to go out on his own to retrieve them. Leaving Mina alone with baby Alixandra and Theodore, Elijah went to the nearest supercenter.

He began picking up the packs of cubed steak and setting them in the sink so that after he finished unpacking the groceries, he could go ahead and begin dinner.

It wasn't until he heard a wail louder than anything he had heard since Alixandra's birth, he flashed upstairs. He paused in the doorframe of Bonnie and Niklaus' room, watching as Mina bounced Alixandra and whispered calmingly in her ears.

Her hair was thrown up into a messy ponytail and a couple of strands hung down the sides of her face. With loose pajama pants hugging her waist and Theodore sitting on the floor playing with blocks, he frowned. 

He had known of her dream to be a mother yet because of his wretched mother, she would no longer get that chance.

He felt guilty. 

It was his mother who had taken something as innocent as motherhood away from her. 

"'Lijah?" Mina called out, snapping the original out of his thoughts. "Wanna try? She's not calming down with me."

Glancing down at the crying baby he had obviously tuned out, he stepped into the room. Reaching out, Mina put the baby in his arms. Mocking an action he had seen from both Mina and Bonnie, he cradled the baby close to his chest. He pushed Alixandra's hair out of her face.

Unlike human babies, Alixandra's hair was nearly touching her back. Elijah had heard of the phenomenon that was Bonnie's pregnancy, so everyone had determined that only a part of Alixandra should continue to grow rapidly, and clearly, it was her hair.

After only a couple of seconds, baby Alixandra slid her thumb into her mouth and with only a minute to spare, she was asleep.

Mina watched in awe as her lover slowly put the baby in her bassinet and turned to face her.

"You're an ass, you know that," She muttered playfully.

Forgetting that Theodore was sitting beside her, the small boy slapped a hand over his mouth before pointing up at her. "Oooo, you said a bad word," The boy exaggerated.

Mina rolled her eyes playfully before hitting Elijah's shoulder. Deciding to kiss Alixandra before they walked out of the room, Theodore decided to act disgusted at that as well. "Oh?" Mina asked. "Kissing is nasty?"

Theodore nodded frantically, scrunching his nose up.

Elijah's lips rose into a smirk when he walked towards her, sliding his hand below her waist and kissing her. Smiling at his audience, he then slid one of his hands up to support Mina's back before dipping her and attacking her with his lips.

"Eww, daddy," Theodore cried before he tensed.

Elijah and Mina both froze until they both realized they had heard the same thing. Standing her up, Mina searched Elijah's face for a reaction. When she got nothing, she looked behind her to Theodore. The heretic was now about to crack a joke, but she realized that Theodore looked terrified.

"I-I-" Theodore started before standing up and bolting out of the room.

Mina and Elijah both shared looks, both of them coming back to their senses. Without a word being said, they both sped off together.

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