Chapter 33

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When Dusk came home, he wasn't expecting to see me and Blair sitting on the floor. I got up and walked to him. "Where have you been?" I asked. "With Cassy." He said. Blairs head snapped over so fast that you'd think she broke her neck. "What?" I said shocked. "I followed Silver after your fight. Her hideout is a literal cave so she didn't even question a bat hanging from her ceiling." Dusk explained. "Is she ok?!" Blair got up and ran to us. "She's fine. She's alive." Dusk said. A huge weight was taken off Blairs shoulders. "Cassy is being held in these strange electric ties. Whenever she tries to break out, she's electrocuted. In order to set her free, Silver has to scan her hand print on this pad she has. I can bring you there to save her, but we need a plan first. If we rush in there without one, we'll die." He said. "Then what are we waiting for. Lets make a plan, and fast!" Blair said.

"Tell me Whistle..." Silver started. "Are you going crazy?" She asked. "What?" Gold raised an eyebrow in confusion. Silver darted up to Golds face and smacked her across it. "Do you take me for a fool!?" She snapped. "I don't know what you're talking about!" Gold protested. Silver held up her phone to Golds face and showed her the video of herself talking to a bat that was flying around the room. "I mean seriously? How crazy have you gone? Talking to bats?! Jeez Gold, I had higher expectations of you than that." Silver said. She flew back down and walked to her computer. Gold was relieved. Silver hadn't suspected that the bat was a mutant, and if Gold was lucky, hopefully Silver also didn't know the full power of mutants, and that was something that her friends could use to take her down.

"Blair, do you know the full extent of your powers?" Dusk asked. "I don't have any." Blair replied. "Neither do I, and I'm still impressive right? One power you definitely have is to morph yourself into a coyote. And according to the internet, mutants of the dog family have all been gifted super agility." Dusk said. "Why would I need to turn into a coyote? How is that ever useful?" Blair asked. Dusk shrugged. "You never know. I mean hey, where would we be if I couldn't turn into a bat?" He asked. Her ears perked up and she just stared at him for a second. She sighed. "Alright, how do I do it?" She caved. "Aw! You're gonna be so adorable!" I cooed. "Watch it." Blair growled. "You're a dog person?" Dusk asked me. I nodded. "Ill keep that in mind." He said, turning back to Blair. "Focus on the animal inside of you Blair. In order to become it, you have to be one with it." I told her. She closed her eyes and focused as hard as she could, and eventually a swoosh of magic circled her and what came out was a coyote. She looked down and around at herself. She looked back at us and wagged her tail. "It worked!" She cheered. "Awesome. Babe, why don't you work with her while I try to come up with a plan. We'll meet back here in an hour." Dusk said. I nodded and left with Blair.

Blair and I were on our way back after training for a while. "It must be great having Dusk back." She said. "Huh? Oh. Yeah it is." I smiled. She smiled at me and then looked away. I looked at her for a moment and then sighed. "I'm sorry Blair." I said. "For what?" She asked. "I just hate that when I finally get my own happiness, yours gets snatched away from you almost immediately! And now you just have to watch and wait while I'm happy with Dusk and Cassy isn't here yet." I said. Blair sighed heavily. "Its not your fault Matteo. We're gonna get Cassy back. I know it. But I'm not resentful of you. You've been through hell over the past years. You deserve to be happy, and I'm glad knowing that you actually managed to find someone so great for you." She said. I smiled. "Now stop moping around. I need you in tip top shape to save my future wife." She said. I chuckled. "Lets go get her than." I said.

"So, are we ready to go?" I asked Dusk. He groaned to himself, unsure of his plan. "I know how to get us there, but as for a plan to actually fight the Silver Sargent... I'm not so sure." He said. "Its fine Dusk. We can do without it." Blair said. "Can we really? Because even Cassy thinks we cant! She told me that we needed a plan before we came for her. She doesn't want you to run in without some sort of game plan! She's afraid of you getting captured, or even worse, hurt." Dusk said to Blair. She huffed. "I don't care what she told you! That's my girlfriend out there. I cant just stand by, waiting for a plan, while she's helpless. I need to go save her Dusk. Please. We have to go!" Blair said. Dusk was hesitant but eventually sighed as he gave in. "Ok. We need to get to the ocean." He said. "The ocean?! We'll be worn out before we even get to Cassy." I said. "Not necessarily." Blair said. She took her key off her belt. "I have a spare key. Anyone up for a ride in the Whistle Whip?" She asked. We smirked. "What are we waiting for?" I asked.

We flew the car over to the beach and landed near the shore. "Wow. You're just as bad of a driver as you ever were." I told her. "Thanks!" She said. "We'll have to swim from here. The car wont fit through the tunnel." Dusk said. "Why are we taking the water tunnel? Didn't you say there was another one?" I asked. "Yes, but those ones have cameras. Here Blair. You and I will wear these magic snorkels. They'll let us breathe underwater, and Matteo can lead us with his light eyes." Dusk said. "Alright. Sounds like a plan." I said. "Yeah. Good enough for me. Lets go." Blair said. I jumped in the water and transformed into my shark form. I turned on my light eyes and the two followed behind me. Blair held onto Dusk since he could swim faster with his wings. Dusk led the way and used my eyes to see, and that's how we went all the way to the tunnel.

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