Chapter 81

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"How are you doing Honey?" Lorelai asked as she walked into Rory's bedroom to see her daughter sitting in bed, surrounded by thank you cards, and lists.

"I'm alright. Just trying to get a jump start on all of the thank you cards that need to go out. Did you guys get all the gifts loaded up?"

"We did. It's a good thing that we decided to rent a moving truck, because we ended up with way more gifts than we even imagined. Did you know that Grandma asked the security crew to start accepting gifts as people arrived, before entering the party? The gift area we had set up was already overflowing, so she had them take the gifts at the gate, and put them in the garage. You wouldn't believe all the stuff people brought!"

"Did you get the list of monetary donations for me? I want to make sure those people get thank you cards as well."

"I've got it right here. Honor took care of opening all of those envelopes while the rest of us loaded everything into the truck. Did Grandma give you addresses?"

"She said that she has a list for me."

"Do you want to know what the total is on the checks?"

"I'm guessing it was a lot?"


"Wait a second . . . So with the $50 grand that Logan handed the woman, we're donating over $85,000 in cash, and then a crap ton of gifts?!"

"Actually, you're donating $100,000. Honor and Mitchum wrote out checks to make it an even 100."

"That is incredible! I never expected that!"

"Well, that's the DAR for you. The $480 came from Stars Hollow."

"I had no idea that people liked me that much."

"I'm not so sure it's necessarily about liking you, more than wanting to make themselves look good. Plus, it's all tax deductible. All Grandma and Shira's rich friends will be getting nice tax write offs this year."

"That's crazy! I didn't even care about the tax write off when I signed the HPG check. I did it because I wanted to. And then Logan told me that he was going in halfsies with Grandpa, to match what the company gave. I didn't even know about the Columbia donation. I have no idea how Logan pulled that one off!"

"You did see Doctor Schultz here today, didn't you?"

"He came with his wife. I saw them briefly."

"I saw him talking to Logan when he first got here."

"That is probably where that check came from."

"Well you can all enjoy a nice tax write off this year."

"I doubt HPG even needs it. I wouldn't know though. Logan's accountant takes care of all of that stuff. The only thing I know about the company's financials is that we are making more money than we spend."

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