Chapter 35

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"Hey Ace, it's freezing in here! Why is the door open?" Logan asked, walking into the kitchen from his office, and seeing Rory sitting in a chair in front of the door to the backyard, with a blanket wrapped around her.

"Doyou smell it?" Rory asked, looking up at Logan.

"Smell what?" Logan asked. "Babe, it's like 30 degrees outside, and you're letting all the heat out and the cold air in. Not that I'm worried about not being able to afford a large electrical bill, but come on, why is the door open?"

"Logan, smell it! Take a deep breath, and smell the air!" Rory said excitedly.

"I smell nothing. Come on, it's freezing Ace!"

"You really don't smell that?!?" Rory asked.

"What am I supposed to be smelling?"

"I smell snow!" Rory announced excitedly.

"You smell snow? Are you serious?! Babe, I think you're losing it. Snow doesn't have a smell. Come on, let's shut the door and get you warm."

"No, Logan, for real. Can't you smell that?"

"Ace, is this some kind of twisted pregnancy joke that I don't understand?"

"You really don't smell it?"

"I don't smell anything. Come on, close the door now."


"Rory, why are we having this conversation? Snow doesn't have a smell, and it's not snowing anyway. It's just cold. This is probably just some crazy pregnancy craving type thing. Maybe you're dehydrated? How much water have you drank today?"

"This isn't some crazy pregnancy thing. Ever since I could remember, my mom could always smell it when it was getting ready to start snowing. She would smell it before it ever started, and she would sit there, and relish in it. I never understood her crazy fascination, or random ability to be able to smell snow, but I get it now. I finally get it! I smell snow. And it's almost here!"

"Ace, as a medical professional, I can tell you with 100% certainty, that snow does not have a smell. I love you, and I love your mom, so please don't take this the wrong way, but I think you've both lost your minds. Now come on, shut the door. It's cold!" Logan said walking over to Rory, and pulling her chair away from the doorway, then shutting the door she had been sitting in front of.

"Logan! We're going to miss it!"

"Miss what?"

"The snow!"

"What snow? There isn't any snow. It's not supposed to snow today. Not for a few more days if I remember correctly. It's just cold."

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