Chapter II: Welcome to Summerville

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Welcome to Summerville.

Said the Sighn infront of them. Summerville was a small Town in the middle of nowhere.
" There it is. This is Summerville." Doreen said. " Morg, This is where your grandfather lived." ," And died." Morgan added and Frida and Madeline share a glance.

Meanwhile in Johanna's Car, Faith and Lucas hold their Phones up high. " Come on. Not a single bar?"," There'd better be a bar."
Johanna mumbled.

The family drove a past farmland. Christian and Johanna turn up a driveway. There were improvised signs with a quote from Revelations 6:12 spray painted on them in yellow. ,,"Behold, there was a great earthquake. The sun became as black as cloth, the seas boiled, the Moon became as blood, the skies fell. Revelation 6:12." '' Madeline read from the farmland. ,, That was normal. Hey, maybe it's a good thing you never met your dad.'' Frida told Christian. The farm house was old and you can see it. On the Roof were array of satellites and instruments all over. Christian and Johanna park their Cars and step out. ,,Great. You didn't tell us you inherited a murder house.''

Morgan looked around. "DIRT" is tagged in yellow on the side of a slowly collapsing barn. ,,And just think. Now all of this is yours!'' Lucas said to his Friend, before getting an Elbow rammed in his rips by Faith. Lucas made a non identified yell and sent his twin a glare. Morgan shielded her eyes with a hand and looked up at the satellites. Doreen tries to open the front door but it's locked. She bends over, lifts up the mat and looks for a key. ,, Morgs, be a dear and break into your grandfather's house.'' Christian told her youngest daughter, who kneeled down in front of the door and picks the lock. Lucas and Faith walked around to get a signal on their phones. They notices the rusted cars in various states of salvage and Morgan got the door to open. ,,Nice. Oh, boy.'' The door almost falls out as Christian tried to enter. Doreen, Johanna, Morgan, Madeline and Frida follow suit. While faith and Lucas were still outside.

Doreen heads to the room on the immediate left, the study. She scoffs," Not a single photo." Christian looks at a tall stack of books taller than him. Madeline looks up at a sequence of numbers carved on the boards near the ceiling. Part of the sequence of years read, "...381 1432 1501 1596 1607 1782 182..." She nuched Morgan, who looks up. While Christian looks at the armchair and the rips. " Rats?"

Morgan notices a miniature statue of Zuul standing on two legs and picks it up. Faith and Lucas come into the House. " You gotta see the gold mine of junk I found out back."
" Great." The Twins scan the Room. " Oh, my God, this is so much worse than I thought it was gonna be." The house starts to shake. It is an earthquake. " Under the dining table now!" All Seven squies under the Table for cover. " Girls. Remember that summer we died under a table?" Lucas asked, Faith and Madeline give him an anoyed look. " Of course this place is built on a fault line." Christian mumbles anoyed. " Probably just fracking." ," It's fracking annoying, is what it is!" The Earthquake stops and our Seven Protagonist's got up. Morgan notices the P.K.E. Meter,  under the armchair. Score track from Ghostbusters (1984) plays. She bends down and picks it up. " What's that?" Lucas ask her. " How am I supposed to know?" Lucas tries to grab it from her but she pulls it away. " Don't touch it!"

While Morgan and Lucas were Bickering, an older Woman walked through the door way. "Can I help you?" The Heads of the Seven  turn to her. Frida's Face lit up. "Aunt Janine!" Frida ran torwards her and gave her a hug. The Woman, Janine, was first stardelt a little but hugged her back. " Hi Frida."

Christian stepped forward. " Uh--Hi. We're... we're the, um--The... This was my father's place." Janine, letting Frida out of the Hug, turned and looked at Morgan and Johanna  and waved. " Hi." " Hi."

" I'm, uh, Janine Melnitz. We spoke on the phone. I was your father's--You know, we were friends. Very sorry for your loss." She intreduced herself to Christian and his Family. " It's okay. You knew him better than me. I should be sorry for your loss." ," Oh, I just tried to keep the bills paid on time, that kind of thing."
" Like a Money Manager?" Doreen asked.  "Oh, there was no money to manage. He could barely keep the power on."

Morgan, Madeline, Faith, Frida, Lucas and Johanna exchanged looks. " So he left us nothing?"

" Well, I wouldn't say that." She walked closer to Christian. " There is quite a bit of debt. "
Christian and Doreen were stunned. " Ms. Melnitz, We're here to sign forms, pack the silverware, and leave with a rent check. Are you telling me this place is worthless?"

"You mean, aside from the sentimental value?"

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